Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] a [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Val set off for the interior in the best of the hire cars available , a well worn seat with grudging breaks , and drove alone on empty roads through a barren and alien territory .
2 More and more departments using RBL as a method of instruction may see personal or group projects as a valid and worthwhile means of extension study on a personal level .
3 With his great experience of Scotland and his wide reading , Hamish is able to bring together many disciplines for a detailed and interlinked account of the districts he passes through .
4 A former miner , Joe was presented with a cheque together with good wishes for a long and happy retirement .
5 Our wishes for a strong and interventionist Nato will be strengthened in this difficult period after the demise of the Warsaw pact .
6 The final section shows how Sri Lankans were none the less able to use the courts as a legitimate and acceptable , if sometimes disreputable , way to solve disputes .
7 Elizabethan England could be portrayed as a period before emigration to the American colonies began , before the ruptures between a British and American way of life existed .
8 Initially , I had to decide how to use the space : whether to place a separate work in each room or to accept the perceptual boundaries of the Duveen Galleries as a given and conceive a work which would deal with the space in its entirety .
9 I congratulate my right hon. Friend on his enlightened proposals for a revised and enhanced role for the TA in these uncertain times .
10 In June President Saddam announced proposals for a further and unilateral two-week halt to attacks on cities , hoping Iran might be tempted to discuss an overall settlement of the conflict , complete with a cease-fire , the withdrawal of both armies , an exchange of prisoners , negotiations towards a peace treaty , the resumption of normal relations and non-interference in one another 's affairs .
11 Now the junior minister says she is pleased ‘ that the West Midlands County Council have accepted my proposals for a sensible and reasonable division of responsibilities . ’
12 ‘ I believe that Community Hospitals Group provides effective safeguards to protect the interest of its shareholders through a motivated and strong team of independent directors and a committee structure through which their objectivity can be brought to bear on executive decisions , ’ declares Sir Peter .
13 Having risen from Ukrainian coal mines through the party ranks as a tough and brutal Stalinist , once he achieved personal power he wasted no time in opening his mind to the ways of the rest of the world .
14 But in picking melees ( mixtures ) of medium-quality gems between a fifth and half a carat the kidnappers had gone for an area of the trade that is almost uncontrollable .
15 From here we take the road marked Curral das Freiras for a short but very scenic and awe-inspiring drive .
16 The management of the trustees is really , I venture to think , of the nature of what is described in one of the rules as a private or domestic use , and so described for the purpose of making it clear that it is not to be allowed as a deduction .
17 True , with a firm the size of Stevenson 's , working on up to fifty contracts for a dozen or so companies , there could never be so dead a reckoning that the final moment could be named with certainty .
18 So allow ten minutes for a careful and thorough study of the paper , reading every word and phrase with attention .
19 Poetry and music , well attested as pastimes of both upper and lower deck in the period concerned , come to us in rehearsals for a noisy and enthusiastic Messiah in which hierarchies are temporarily forgotten , in the verse-contests of two junior officers partial to odes , in the stamp of hornpipes and the therapy of farces and dramatic interludes and , pertinently , in the comments of the inartistic , like the complaint of Aubrey 's cantankerous servant Killick , exasperated by the noise of a first attempt at ‘ Old Bach 's D Minor double sonata ’ :
20 Thus , in a thoroughly typical way , man , who is not endowed with an instinctive love of animals or care for them , achieves the ability to make a success of animal-husbandry as a form of economic life by channelling his otherwise rampant aggressiveness back against himself as a force of conscience which frequently expresses itself in pastoral cultures as a vengeful and recriminating god of the sky .
21 Stable variation can be maintained by speakers over many centuries as a stylistic and general sociolinguistic resource .
22 Women use limes as a contraceptive but they are not very effective and with frequent use the vagina can be seriously damaged by so much acid .
23 There were many memorable and often moving episodes , indeed , more than I can find space to record , and to Lata Sharma ( Maria ) , David Curry ( Tony ) , Maurice Jay ( Riff ) , Petrea Cooney ( Anita ) , Michael Lally ( Bernardo ) and the others in the cast , not to mention the excellent rival gangs and , of course , the stage crew , my congratulations and heartfelt thanks for a rich and rewarding theatrical experience .
24 I was busy trying to set a grammar school on a new course , meeting the heads of the other secondary schools for a long and sticky evening in the north Oxfordshire village of Adderbury , and experiencing some of the excitements and discomforts involved in shuffling and reorganization : it was the year in which C. P. Snow published his Corridors of Power .
25 We supported the demands for a thorough and credible investigation by independent and impartial experts .
26 Valued by the IRB strategists as a great and passionate orator and a highly persuasive political propagandist , in 1915 he joined their inner circle .
27 O'Neill also failed to appreciate the extent of Protestant misgivings , preferring instead to see Paisley and his supporters as a small and unrepresentative rabble .
28 To maintain and enhance its international reputation , RSRE demands a high-standard of recruit , but in return offers excellent opportunities for a successful and rewarding career .
29 And it is well known that , being required to prepare designs for a useless and costly object by one of our leading nobility , long since deceased , one of princely fortune , but who had an extravagant passion for building , he purposely appealed to the son to advise his father to give the intention ’ .
30 I want to be sure that we retain all these characteristics of a decent and civilised society , while managing our economic fortunes competently so that we can pay for our individual and collective aspirations .
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