Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun pl] when " in BNC.

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1 Data collectors visited the homes of the infants when they were approximately three weeks old and collected urine samples , which were then independently analysed for the presence of cotinine .
2 They had n't the appeal of the stinking lanes fitfully lit by naphtha flares in the souks when a fair went on long into the night .
3 Although he was obliged to ‘ share ’ Madeleine with Dunbar during lunch and after the game — which he found incredibly exciting — there were long periods during the chukkers when he had her undivided attention .
4 She could hardly bear to think she would never see this pretty place again , nor speak with the cheerful villagers , drink beer in María 's café and get hugs from the children when she saw them in Miguel 's clinic .
5 I was in the fruit and vegetable section waiting to weigh some potatoes on the scales when I saw a bairn of about three years old , a bonnie wee lad with fair hair and big dark blue eyes , picking apples out of the bin and shoving them into his mother 's shopping bag .
6 We must look at flowers with a new intensity and from different angles for the flowers when looked at thus can themselves inspire the observer .
7 The last consideration that decides the form the lid should take is the needs of the caterpillars when they pupate .
8 With the Labour government unable to control a majority of seats in the Commons , it was occasionally vulnerable to policy defeats on the occasions when the other parties were able to unite or when its own backbenchers staged guerilla attacks .
9 We have seen that issues of causation and blameworthiness raise problems for the courts when deciding whether the plaintiff 's conduct was sufficiently serious to deserve a reduction in his entitlement to damages , or to deserve no damages at all .
10 There was also evidence that , when a mother adopted a style of discussing rules and feelings with the children when they quarrelled , they were apt to develop in their offspring more mature ways of handling conflict .
11 There may have been queues in the streets when Derrida came to Oxford recently .
12 Ayrshire 's contribution is even more impressive when it is related to the county 's small population figures at the periods when most of the settlements listed above were founded .
13 It makes me so cross when I see so much imported fruit and vegetables in the shops when we have as good , if not better English produce on hand .
14 How could it be otherwise , when I have an almost tame squirrel that happily hops about the borders when I 'm feeding or digging ?
15 Farmers involved in set-aside have reported a drop in partridges breeding on land which previously enjoyed healthy populations of the birds when it was used to grow wheat and barley .
16 Many entries in his diaries describe dramatic storms over the mountains when he was out making sketches .
17 It is often argued that the institutions put the objective of profitability before the interests of the clients when making loans .
18 Sampson became the second ( Marsden was the first ) Yorkshire player to represent the Players against the Gentlemen when he played in the Lord 's fixture of 1841 .
19 The vicomtes of Béarn could not therefore rely on the loyalty of those of their vassals who also held lands , offices and pensions from the king-dukes when an Anglo-French war erupted in Aquitaine .
20 They even bought sweets for the children when they left and we have 260 pupils here , ’ said school secretary Helen Chilvers .
21 The test is not what the defendants contemplated as a likely or even an inevitable consequence of their conduct ; it is ‘ what is in truth the object in the minds of the combiners when they acted as they did ? ’
22 Do you think that the sizes of the rooms that people considered the sizes of the rooms when they choose furniture ?
23 It is of interest to note that both venues were designated as public meeting places following outbreaks of public disorder and public clashes with the police when people were seeking to demonstrate and protest publicly in central London during the nineteenth century .
24 He did not loosen his links with the athletes when projected upwards into the Presidency .
25 There is a popular misconception that long-stay patients were dumped straight out of mental hospitals on the streets when they were abandoned .
26 His early attempts at evening wear were often disastrous , inspiring groans at the Oscars when Michelle and Julia showed off their sludgy simplicity to an overdressed audience hungry for sparkles and sequins .
27 Maginnis had been listening to almost two hours of complaints about the police when a woman announced that she would clap her hands if she heard of an RUC constable 's death .
28 Erm I think it 's , I hope you 'll agree , that it 's absolutely essential and , and I hope that you , your reward will be the smiling faces of the youngsters when they come off the water during the year .
29 They stopped reporting incidents to the police when repeatedly no action was taken , and they were subjected to racial abuse from police officers .
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