Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hanley also partly blamed a lack of support among the employers of part-timers for the drop in their numbers .
2 10.6 Where , exceptionally , the Director of Social Work considers that it is not possible to redeploy the employee within the Department , the full circumstances of the case will be forwarded to the Personnel Manager who will circulate details to other Heads of Department , in an appropriately confidential manner , with a view to identifying suitable vacancies for the employee in question .
3 By Friday she had arranged everything to Rob 's satisfaction , although as she handed Luke his notes for the meeting in York she still had some reservations about his reaction to his brother 's methods of expressing gratitude .
4 Selected titles in Grades 1–4 have been made up into sturdy Reader Packs , each containing a Reader , a Cassette , and Notes for the Parent/Teacher in English , Italian , Spanish , Arabic , Greek , Japanese , and Portuguese .
5 To impute that Dr Runcie has been an unsuccessful archbishop by quoting falling numbers in that part of the Anglican Communion which is the Church of England is to ignore a whole complex of reasons for a reduction in church-going , including , no doubt , the encouragement of a highly competitive and success-orientated society .
6 Reasons for a reduction in productivity may include a poorly planned operation which can result in longer learning curves and a low average output the introduction of more learning curves because of frequent changes of resources and working methods changing physical conditions lower outputs because plant was initially selected for one activity and is used for another inappropriate activity longer hours being worked regularly ( this can occur , for example , when accelerating the work rate to recover delays ) the lowering of morale owing to frequent changes of plan and poor management .
7 Recently , the BAG handed down a decision ( 4ASR 293/91 ) in which it stated that there were no justifiable reasons for a differential in wages .
8 The reasons for the delay in provision of such items were , therefore , investigated , and these are set out in Table 2 , below .
9 This court held that the board was required to give reasons for the way in which it had reached its award , and that in the absence of such reasons its award was prima facie irrational .
10 The reasons for the conflict in the various forecasts lie in the fact that the demand for higher education depends on a multiplicity of factors including the distribution of entrants into HE by age , gender , social class , region of residence , parental qualification and family size ; the effects of unemployment and comprehensive education ; the national demand for graduate-level skilled labour ; and last , but by no means least , the effect of the supply of places on demand .
11 An action is relevantly similar if it too has the properties which constituted one 's reasons for the judgement in the first case .
12 As mentioned in the previous section , there are sound reasons for the slowdown in big-city population decline .
13 Among those in the middle age band , that is between 30 and pension age , the main reasons for the rise in the number of households are the increase in marital breakdown and the tendency for non-married people to live on their own ( Haskey , 1987a ) .
14 The main parties also agreed on constitutional changes to stem the influx of immigrants , one of the main reasons for the rise in attacks on foreigners .
15 However , there appear to be no obvious reasons for the variation in number of libraries in total , or their divisional spread .
16 As far as the increase for the part-time employees is concerned , the reasons for the increase in the salaries for full-time employees are irrelevant .
17 The reasons for the increase in unacceptable behaviour , he believes , are varied and complex .
18 Indeed , the relatively slow growth of productivity in many industries is one of the principal reasons for the increase in service sector jobs .
19 Some of the major reasons for the increase in resource consumption include a 23 per cent increase in Royline customers over the past year , a 60 per cent increase in the number and complexity of Back Office account enquiries and a 40 per cent increase in authorisation processing associated with online systems such as SWITCH , EDI and Cashline Reciprocity .
20 Two external factors suggest possible reasons for the increase in numbers .
21 Two external factors suggest possible reasons for the increase in numbers .
22 Suggest possible reasons for the increase in the velocity of circulation .
23 The reasons for the growth in local authority expenditure during the 1960s and early 1970s may be summarised as follows .
24 There were , suggested David Rees , three reasons for the growth in numbers :
25 The reasons for the difference in treatment of gilding and silvering by the Romans is not clear .
26 The deep reasons for the difference in numbers of species are unknown — assuming , that is , that there are deep reasons .
27 Answer guide : The point being illustrated here is that although we have been told the finite life of the machine and we are aware of the reasons for the loss in utility we still have to make estimates of when the machine will cease to be useful .
28 The Reasons for the Decline in Population Growth Rate
29 The reasons for the decline in this sector of the housing market may be seen in terms of simple demand and supply analysis : the letting of accommodation has become less desirable for landlords and other forms of tenure have become more attractive for potential tenants .
30 Lower railway freight traffic , the stronger Canadian dollar and weak newsprint markets were the major reasons for the decline in net income .
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