Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Not so — students from the university have won major international titles for formation dancing for decades and can include the sport in their degree studies Interested ?
2 They will be documented in a substantial reference manual , the Guidelines for Text Encoding for Interchange .
3 She had been taken as a child from a wild jungle world of carnivores , flesh-sucking plants , and hunter-warriors who had lost most of the arts of civilization save for those of cunning , combat and survival .
4 None of the full-board Halls of Residence caters for special diets of any type .
5 Then we 're going to rub onions on our eyes , wave handkerchiefs ( small squares of cloth used for wiping noses : I expect you use the cuffs of your smocks up there ) , and pretend to cry when we watch you turnips drift out into the North Sea .
6 The invention of printing in the fifteenth century steadily did away with the need for handwritten books , and it is interesting to note that from that time onwards various styles of calligraphy developed for different purposes .
7 The use of the word ‘ devolved ’ is intentional since , while formalized channels of communication exist for the conveyance of policy , service implementation is often determined at local level .
8 Rosanne : or , A Father 's Labour Lost ( 1814 ) , in which a daughter becomes her father 's religious and moral salvation , and Heraline , or Opposite Proceedings ( 1821 ) share many of its features : slightly heavy-handed authorial notes , careful attention to the influences which shape their heroines ' moral and intellectual development , condemnation of various aspects of behaviour prescribed for women , and matter-of-fact presentation of libertinism in high life .
9 If you want your hand written words of wisdom saved for posterity use quality paper and permanent ink .
10 The National Curriculum , whilst being consistent with the other government sponsored programmes in its instrumental-vocationalist view , has made provision for the arts through music and art as second tier essential subjects with drama mentioned for possible inclusion with art , music and design in a joint arts option for older pupils .
11 Scottish Hydro decided to go to war , but with environmental considerations in mind opted for a psychological approach rather than the shotgun option .
12 look please at item four , on page one , three , four second paragraph , the contingency fund is designed to provide funds in order to pay for major repairs or replacements which may arise in the future these accounts do not include the contingency fund despite strong recommendations from , can you explain please Mr ?
13 Indeed , it is amazing that Sir Leon Brittan should still refer to these ‘ costs ’ long after Pöhl has said quite clearly that they are irrelevant : ‘ the repeated reference to alleged huge savings in transaction costs for the currencies of a single currency area are not in the least convincing ’ .
14 If the council thinks that you have given away or used up savings in order to qualify for , or increase the amount of your benefit they can treat you as still having those savings .
15 Judge Patrick Medd sentenced Kerry to 12 months in jail suspended for two years …
16 Judge William Crawford sentenced her to three months in jail suspended for two years and ordered her to pay £50 costs .
17 The Swiss publisher Artemis Verlags AG has entered into partnership with London Architectural Press to form a new English-language outlet for books on architecture intended for an informed readership .
18 With the lure of EMU membership withdrawn , it might no longer wish to pursue the policies of austerity required for entry .
19 However , where appropriate , commitments to rolling programmes of equipment purchased for governing bodies are made .
20 The programmes of study prescribed for National Curriculum history are merely outlines .
21 Go into any church in a poor area and you 're likely to find candles lit before the statue of Mary and little messages on scraps of paper asking for her help .
22 For example , the pay schedule code contains all the rates of pay and hours of work allowed for a particular grade and will therefore act as a validation check when grade , hours and pay are entered .
23 that the hours of work required for a person to be treated as in ‘ remunerative work ’ will be reduced from not fewer than 24 to not fewer than 16 hours a week from April 1992 .
24 Er we do hold the view that the sixty hectares is sufficient on the on the basis that there is a degree of flexibility within the structure plan provision , er and that er flexibility should allow us erm in special circumstances for example to compensate for the loss of existing major employment erm sites , erm to make additional provision over and above that .
25 Mr Nelson , 49 and Miss Folan denied one charge relating to separate areas of land used for car parking .
26 Perhaps for this reason the law in several areas of censorship has for many years remained quietly in the background , yet with an extensive array of legislation to be respected and always at its disposal .
27 The arguments contained in The Case for the Oppressed Africans ( 1783 ) issued by the Friends in advocacy of abolition set useful signposts to the general lines of persuasion adopted for the following twenty years .
28 Even if the tentative identification of the advantages of specialist working for this client group were to be confirmed by more extensive data , it may well be that they could be offset by other features of a generic social work service to the area .
29 Winner Jean : The winds of fate blew for Jean Morris , winner of Middlesbrough Council 's Captain Cook Birthday Balloon Race .
30 These may be for short periods of time to account for the non-matching of the firm 's payments and receipts from its business .
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