Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] of the time " in BNC.

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1 These grounds reflect some of the reasons some of the time for compiling records .
2 The miracle-stories quoted above indicate that this was a coin-using peasant society : every household wanted coins some of the time — notably when it came to Martinmas ( 11 November ) , the customary time for paying dues to landlords ( as it remained in the nineteenth century ) .
3 With powerful cars , no physical obstacles and with the knowledge that legal retribution is unlikely , it is not surprising that the 30 mph limit is held in contempt by many drivers all of the time and abused by nearly all drivers some of the time .
4 You ca n't please all of your readers all of the time .
5 With powerful cars , no physical obstacles and with the knowledge that legal retribution is unlikely , it is not surprising that the 30 mph limit is held in contempt by many drivers all of the time and abused by nearly all drivers some of the time .
6 Even the poorest of us have some money in our pockets some of the time .
7 Few of us are paragons of virtue in all these matters all of the time , but we should all be committed to them .
8 The Al Bustan in the capital area , said to be the most beautiful hotel in the world , was originally designed as a palace and conference centre for the leaders of the Gulf States but is open to visitors most of the time .
9 In most cases , additional more specialized tagsets are provided for those wishing to encode aspects of these features in more detail ( see further section 9.4. below ) , but the elements defined in this core are believed to be adequate for most applications most of the time .
10 I thought I managed very well considering that tears were running down my cheeks most of the time .
11 Then a fortnight ago I had a cataract removed , but there must have been more to it than that , because not only am I startled by the brightness of things , but the vision in that eye is practically perfect , so I am not wearing glasses most of the time , though for faint or small print ( not piano music : hooray ) I shall have to get some more specs .
12 Enough to keep him ketone-free with single-figure blood glucose levels most of the time , at as near ideal body weight as possible and avoiding hypoglycaemia .
13 Do not most of us search for excuses most of the time ?
14 Especially when all the lenders seem to have roughly the same mortgage interest rate on offer to borrowers most of the time ?
15 He married twice but lived apart from both wives most of the time .
16 Or perhaps some architects some of the time .
17 Down on the southern edge of Zone One , you can hear sirens most of the time ; you could imagine that wild animals roamed the park outside Pascoe 's window , the constant whoop-screech-whoop their cries .
18 For instance , the considerable differences in the number of interactions ( compare , for example , the pseudonymous Claybourn and Greystock ) is partly a function of their length : a relatively tow number of interactions does not indicate prolonged periods of silence , and most teachers were interacting with children most of the time .
19 So should we be surprised that the architect has to content himself with high fees most of the time as his reward when an ungrateful society refuses to thank him ?
20 We would be pretty uninteresting if we all behaved as adults all of the time , and it is our mix of behaviours as adult , child and parent that makes us interesting and unique .
21 I do go for designer clothes most of the time , because they last longer and are a far better quality .
22 Little Stu stayed with the women most of the time , and Ross was in the pram , but Billy and Sandy went wild .
23 There is predation by peccaries and rodents , which eat seeds ( most of the others eating the pericarp and leaving the seeds under the trees ) : occasionally primates , coatis , kinkajous and so on disperse seeds but only the bat , Artibeus lituratus , the agouti and the squirrel Sciurus granatensis disperse large numbers , the last two being seed predators most of the time , but sometimes dropping or scatter hoarding seeds .
24 Lots of people talk surface dribblings most of the time simply because they 're not teased out from under their brain-covers often enough by other people .
25 No prison could run for long if not for the fact that most prisoners most of the time are prepared simply to cooperate with the staff and ‘ do their bird ’ .
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