Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [adj] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 It is necessary to organise the compounds in such a way that they are treated in a similar manner to individual words .
2 The Splash Principle — the dark markings on this grey tree frog spread across its legs in such a way that they break up its shape .
3 The authors believe the cause of these persistent spells lies in the ability of the short waves to react on the long waves in such a way that , under certain situations , they favour the very pattern that caused them .
4 Farming for a livelihood demands manipulation of the life-processes in the soil , crops , and animals in such a way as to yield continuous sustenance or profit without depleting capital .
5 Accordingly , teachers need to choose books in such a way that all pupils have the opportunity to learn how to understand and enjoy works that make manageable but increasing demands upon them .
6 It is now possible not only to make almost seamless composites of existing photographs and to alter images in such a way that the changes may not be detected , but — using mathematics instead of a camera — it is possible to create images that are nearly photographic in their realism .
7 This utility allows you to alter images in such a way as to produce the best possible hard copy from your printer .
8 She accomplishes this linguistic manipulation or ‘ explosion ’ by combining words in such a way as to make them ‘ activate ’ one another .
9 I think I should while you 're putting the words in such a way so it was n't a er , it was n't thought that everybody just increased everything by five percent .
10 Increasingly , researchers have attempted to conceptualize speaker variables in such a way as to solve a widening range of substantive problems .
11 Some LEAs have long collated information obtained from schools in such a way that the results might be described as performance indicators .
12 The rail unions should be putting their own demands in such a way as to reinforce this campaign ; but they have not done so .
13 As early as The Sycamore Tree Brooke-Rose displayed frustration with the limitations of the traditional character , but in Textermination she succeeds in manipulating these limitations in such a way as to move beyond them without completely abandoning the trappings of realism .
14 In the view of language taken here , therefore , potential meaning is seen as an instrument for representing or conceptualizing particular experiences in such a way as to make them sayable .
15 The capacity to recircuit neurophysiologically the ongoing experiencing of the senses in such a way that the subject becomes ‘ aware ’ of its situation through introspection of this analogue .
16 Foals who have learnt to evade bot-flies in such a way , will continue to do so as adult horses if they have access to shelter .
17 He suggested that there was an invisible substance on the moon , filling the craters and covering the mountains in such a way that the moon 's shape was perfectly spherical .
18 Local authorities also have a specific duty to carry out their functions in such a way as will promote racial harmony .
19 Its aim was to preserve the unity of France , to arrange matters in such a way that , in due course ( and , in view of the king 's health , not before too long ) a new dynasty might assume the crown of France .
20 Its philosophy is to treat sites in such a way that wildlife is encouraged back into the city .
21 Because we all try to twist circumstances in such a way that they conform with our subconscious picture of ourselves , those who see themselves as permanent victims will automatically seek out people who are going to treat them as such .
22 Although I would be the last to claim that small businesses are without their problems , it is a great tribute to the entrepreneurs and to the small business men of this country that they can deal with difficult circumstances in such a way .
23 ‘ See , ’ the girl said proudly , ‘ these flowers made of gems , I created the pattern for them and designed the slippers in such a way that the amethysts would be shown to the best advantage . ’
24 Palmer ( 1971 ) points out that " as linguists we must write our grammars in such a way that they relate to semantics as well as phonetics — our grammar must be sensitive to semantics ' .
25 Bickerton ( 1973 ) provides detailed analyses using statistical scaling of variables to produce an implicational scale , ranking different speakers ' grammars in such a way that each grammar ( corresponding to a " lect " ) differs from the next by just one rule .
26 Suppose , for example , we had as our task the programming of two robots in such a way that they could systematically aid one another in an open range of tasks : what properties beyond the specific abilities required for the tasks would they need to have ?
27 Their business is to propound ideas in such a way that their claimed transfer value is made explicit for the consideration and possible operationalization by the teacher .
28 Fundamentally , it is a social rather than a psychological variable , its main purpose being to enable the researcher to compare individuals in such a way as to focus on differences between them with respect to degree of integration into a set of relationships which constitute a group capable of exerting normative pressure .
29 It confirmed that the alliance 's High-Level Task Force would intensify efforts to reach a formula whereby force reductions emanating from a treaty would be allocated among the allies in such a way as to maintain NATO 's overall conventional capability .
30 Many such heavy timber beams supporting joists of the first floor were inserted into existing buildings in such a way that their ends may have had an inadequate bearing on to slender timber ‘ storey posts ’ installed adjacent to the party walls .
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