Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now unle now unless there are any participants that want , really burning to make a comment , er I feel that we have settled , well we 've had enough discussion on little A , I 've got enough , well I 've got enough from you in terms of your views about size of settlement , and Mr Brighton has pointed me again in the direction of his submission about er the definition of an integrated and balanced community , I would like to know , er from Mr Davis whether he concurs with that sort of interpretation , and I have a feeling that we have also had an expression , generally , that at the moment one settlement is probably appropriate , if you have to have a new settlement .
2 Right , if we broaden the number of commodities , and recognize that er , farming is a multi-product enterprise , alright , farmers just do n't produce one produce , alright , they tend to produce a whole range of products , and therefore we 've got to accommodate these inter-relationships between prices of barley , prices of wheat , prices of oil seed rape , s and er , and so on and so forth , and there can be a nu a number of fairly complex inter-relationships er , there .
3 The discussions between businessmen about profitability and how to maximise it , about dementia not being sufficiently profitable , about the sale of ‘ filled beds ’ — all these aspects are hard to take .
4 Binding later described how he was told ‘ to arrange a crew and equipment , ladders , steps , scaffolding , cylinders of hydrogen and personnel for repair of airship skin and everything I thought necessary to salvage this airship .
5 Hair ban : Kuwait is to enforce an Islamic ban on men working as hairdressers for women in beauty parlours .
6 Nintendo Co does plan to use satellites for delivery of computer games : the company says it plans to broadcast a game via satellite in Japan , and owners of its game computers that buy a decoder and adaptor — for about $85 — will be able to pick the thing up ; Nintendo also plans a national competition for high scorers in satellite games ; meantime Nintendo of America is poised for its largest launch of a video game ever this week in a bid to best Sega Enterprises Ltd — it plans to spend up to $15m in a month-long promotion of Star Fox , a science fiction action game inspired by Star Trek and Star Wars that uses its new Super FX technology , which includes a RISC embedded in the $60 games cartridge ; it claims to have 1m advance orders for it .
7 Whilst understanding the reasons for change as part of AEAs evolution , he was unclear as to why the announcement had been made now but appreciated being given the information so explicitly and comprehensively .
8 The research aims to investigate the reasons for change in attitude to the Welsh language amongst 13 to 16 year olds.An attitude survey of first , second and third year Secondary pupils in 1988 will be repeated with the same pupils in 1990 .
9 reasons for lack of change
10 Most development programmes are too heavy on capital investment and judge results only by the effect on a country 's gross national product , obscuring the real reasons for lack of growth .
11 Reasons for lack of employment were noted .
12 Pupils should be encouraged to question the intentions behind a text , the reasons for choice of vocabulary , image or genre , and to become increasingly aware of the richness and complexity of literature .
13 A quite developed model of the reasons for fragmentation of government into different tiers and sectors is provided by the dual state thesis , which presents a Marxist alternative to liberal corporatist theory ( see pp. 193 — 7 ) .
14 From 30 June this year , all publicly listed companies will have to include a statement in their annual reports indicating that they comply with the Cadbury code of best practice ( see p 94 ) , or giving reasons for areas of non-compliance .
15 An adult of 472 gastric emptying tests carried out over a 10 year period was performed to discover the reasons for requests from consultant clinicians , their anticipation of the results of tests , and the influence of the results upon the subsequent management of their patients .
16 Much of that research has , in turn , been inspired by an attempt , especially among American psychologists , to understand and predict ‘ giftedness ’ : as such , in seeking reasons for differences in creativity , their preference has naturally been to look for evidence of the latter 's association with excellence , superiority , and health rather than with maladjustment or psychological deviance .
17 Both surveys , however , suggested that redundancy , dismissals and even voluntary leaving were much more important reasons for entry into unemployment .
18 At return visits to the clinic women are questioned by a doctor or a nurse and the information recorded on a special form , including details of pregnancies and their outcome , changes in contraceptive practices , and reasons for referral to hospital .
19 The case studies by Rapp , Berry and Temple ( 1973 ) which were referred to earlier in this chapter also illustrate all the major reasons for failure of conservation in Tanganyika and post-colonial Tanzania - technical incompetence and incompatibility with existing agricultural practice has already been mentioned — also attempts at coercion of peasants to build erosion works ( p. 1 17 , 250 ) , and a lack of participation , with an excess of petty restrictions ( p. 251 ) .
20 One of the Regional Council 's reasons for refusal of planning permission is that the proposed development falls outside the areas identified for office use in the Lothian Region Structure Plan 1985 and can not be justified on prime land in the Green Belt as there is no essential overriding need , given the supply of office floorspace currently available , under construction or with outstanding planning permission , which is more than sufficient to satisfy development needs within the Structure Plan period to 1996 and beyond .
21 Coins do have considerable advantages over other objects as sources of information .
22 The cheque for £1,200 will be put towards the cost of converting part of the centre into the special laundry which will teach washing and ironing skills as part of Acorn 's independent living skills programme .
23 I am referring the matter to your local collector of taxes for consideration of recovery proceedings .
24 The rest of the class suffered its demise in the winter of 1934 when they were replaced by the streamlined double-deckers as part of Manager Walter Luff 's modernisation of the tramway. 59 was spared and sent for storage to Fleetwood depot , following a valedictory tribute in the Evening Gazette : ‘ They were clumsy , awkward and dangerous , but they were Blackpool 's own trams , and there was nothing like them anywhere else .
25 The median times between start of treatment and the final follow up examination did not differ between th two subgroups : 63 days ( range 35–224 ) inthe successful eradication group , 118 days ( range 35–454 ) in the failed eradication group ( 2p>0.50 ; Mann-Whitney rank test ) .
26 Not surprisingly , Alexandria provided a natural haven for Jews from the Holy Land — for commercial reasons during periods of stability , as a refuge in times of upheaval and war .
27 Scientists have known for some time that fusion reactions between nuclei of deuterium and tritium are more likely if the nuclear spins line up in the same direction .
28 Hence debates had an antiquarian tone : little was heard of the rights of man , a great deal about the rights of the crown of Aragon , of the Councils of Toledo and Leon , of the Goths as founders of liberty .
29 BUSINESS ISSUES Material for developing reading and speaking skills for students of business English .
30 Weekly plans of activities for children with commentary and evaluation .
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