Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Six of our residents took part in a driving exercise and we demonstrated that clearly and this is for your benefit we 'll give it to you , although it 's three miles longer to the point where the A sixty one joins the A one , even with the present state of the A one , it is ten minutes quicker to go via the A six five eight , A fifty nine , A one route .
2 ‘ I play with the slide on my little finger , so I leave three fingers free to fret behind the slide .
3 Scott 's instructions to proceed with working drawings followed on 17th March with a request for a list of builders willing to tender for the work .
4 We face the vastly increased traffic projections for the twenty-first century with roads adequate to deal with the conditions of the nineteenth .
5 Almost five hundred friends and relatives have made the trip to Winchester , to encourage and support the recruits due to graduate to the status of trained Light Division soldiers .
6 There is still a high integration workload and the business has to look further out into the future to enable it to respond to the changes and opportunities likely to occur in the industry .
7 Iron combined with organic matter can not be removed by the methods applicable to iron in the ionized form .
8 Refunds will be provided at point of sale for fans unable to go to the relevant dates .
9 John Talbot was born in the same year as the Catholic Relief Act was passed and as a result was one of the first sons of Catholic gentlemen able to benefit from a solid Catholic education in Britain .
10 The effective transaction of communicative business requires the parties concerned to enter into a sort of social contract involving adherence to what has been called the ‘ Cooperative Principle ’ ( see Grice 1975 ) .
11 For example , if a company has only a limited amount of funds available to spend over the next few years , centralised management would be able to take a balanced view of how the funds should be shared out between production , marketing , research and development , motor vehicles , other fixed asset purchases in different departments etc .
12 He got several books ready to throw at the creature .
13 A drawback is that it 's put them in the frame for some pretty clueless advances from non-comprehending journalists eager to get to the bottom of this modernist lark .
14 The Scottish Office has said it would not allow schools with low rolls to opt out , but the parents claim they have enough schools ready to join in a rolling campaign of ballots which would delay closures by two years .
15 In an effort to produce a short form the JCT has not included specific provisions for many common situations , such as the need to open up work for inspection , or loss and expense suffered by the contractors due to default by the employer and supervising officer .
16 ‘ Why did our large country , our wise and old and very large country , begin to think so small that we became a nation of losers , a country of discount shopkeepers content to bask in the glory of our heritage . ’
17 Companies unwilling to move to the older regions had the option of moving to the new towns .
18 The Tindemans Report ( 1976 ) recommended a gradual approach towards EMU , and suggested that the countries able to proceed in the direction of monetary union should do so , and others should follow suit later when conditions became more favourable .
19 Global Biodiversity Strategy , a blueprint for conservation prepared by the World Conservation Union ( IUCN ) , the UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) and the World Resources Institute , has suggested that third world countries should declare sovereignty over their genetic resources as a means of protecting the earth 's diversity of species , and allowing the countries concerned to profit from the growing demand for plants and animals .
20 Working towards achieving the certificate will ensure that you are gaining experience in all the areas necessary to work within a specific sector of the freight industry .
21 It can be limited across the whole country or across wide areas liable to suffer in the longer term ( for example , on all permeable soils such as on chalk , limestone , sand or sandstone ) .
22 And yet Darlington council continues to receive planning applications from companies eager to break into the market .
23 The ‘ central zone ’ went the same way during March , its collapse preceded by a second ‘ civil war within the Civil War ’ : a tragicomic affair in which ‘ rebels ’ under Colonel Casado , anxious to negotiate a surrender , engineered a coup and then clashed with Communists eager to fight to the last .
24 Furthermore , Unwin seems at times unsympathetic to labour as a background for poetry :
25 Proposals likely to lead to the development of ideas or resources of use to others will be given priority .
26 The re-structuring of Britain 's defences will , of course , be a gradual process — RAF Hullavington is one of the bases due to close in the autumn .
27 Are your needs likely to change over the next few years-will you have children to cope with ; are you likely to entertain more often than you do at present ?
28 They do however differ greatly in their components : the kind of subelements likely to appear within the divisions of a dictionary ( for example ) will be entirely different from those likely to appear within the divisions of a letter or a novel .
29 ‘ One of our most pressing problems ’ , he concluded , ‘ is how to deal with the human waste which has come through the discarding of the services of workers unable to adjust to the new requirements ’ .
30 The US Army devised a screening test to identify individuals unable to cope with the stress of continuous battle , called the Woodworth Personal Data Sheet .
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