Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] [adv] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Video media , with its powerful images used interactively for teaching , will find its niche as a propaganda tool .
2 But there are no words good enough for perfection .
3 The implements available here for cleaning were as many and as varied in colour and smell as the places which I had to clean .
4 … the common law says that the damages due either for breach of contract or for tort are damages which , so far as money can compensate will give the injured party reparation for the wrongful act ( Admiralty Commissioners v SS Susquehanna [ 1926 ] AC 655 at p661 ) .
5 I like certain things ragged right for example , or fairly simple pages , but erm you can look back at the sixteenth century and find extremely simple pages , you know it 's not a modern idea and the thing is that most of the eddies and currents of popular graphic design are little stylistic exclusions that never go anywhere .
6 As she moved , she took note of the world close to her — the green woodpecker , its flash of holly red , mustard yellow , the great soar of a spruce , the wind whispering differently through different consistencies of leaf , hare track , badger hole , unripened blackberry , fir cones big enough for kindling , and the incessant weave of thrush , linnet , chaffinch .
7 If central government , as a matter of policy , curtails the building of new local authority houses then , within a very short time , there will be few council houses available locally for allocation .
8 A high level of technical expertise meant that Israel almost certainly possessed warheads small enough for delivery on its Jericho II missiles ( maximum range 750 km ) .
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