Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The groups formed by the females and kids are small , and solitary animals , usually males , are far from uncommon .
2 When this last measure failed to force some authorities sufficiently into line , the Conservative government , in 1984 , introduced a measure called rate capping that made it illegal for authorities designated by the Secretary of State to levy more than a certain amount in rates , their only form of independent finance .
3 The primary source of this would be accounts given by the Banking , Insurance and Finance Union .
4 Volume was measured separately for each outstanding futures contract by the number of contracts traded during the day .
5 The table below gives an indication of possible early encashment values per £1,000 of single premium invested and are calculated in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) .
6 Users must be fully isolated from any development activities undertaken by the Computer Group .
7 This implies a rejection of any activities undertaken by the mass of the population ( always with the exception of direct revolutionary action ) as a possible basis for learning about the future development of our society .
8 The proportion allocated , it says , reflects an assessment of the activities undertaken by the manager in pursuit of the company 's investment objectives .
9 Many of the activities undertaken by the partnership can be provided by a school without using this form of organisation .
10 As one of its responses to the International Statistical Year , the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development had commissioned a comparative study of national R and D efforts , based on an officially agreed definition of research and development activity ; the so-called ‘ Frascati definition ’ , named after one of a number of pleasant resorts favoured by the OECD for conferences .
11 Diamant A rockets also placed into orbit three satellites developed by the CNES .
12 Nevertheless , there is bound to be substantial job displacement and creation , and the various tendencies highlighted by the Council for Science and Society ( CSS 1981 ) , and by such writers as Mike Cooley ( n.d. ) and Tony Watts ( 1983 ) , have to be taken seriously .
13 More than forty thousand people were moved from the old city centre to make way for the new buildings , but even though stereotyped blocks of flats were put up around the site of the palace and were in many cases completed by the spring of 1988 , they remained empty until after the revolution .
14 In each of the cases heard by the jurors , the excuses for the withdrawal of statutory funding was slightly different .
15 Such a view lies at the heart of the reasons given by the writers of the National Curriculum consultative document ( DES , 1987 ) for a common curriculum in all state schools .
16 The reasons given by the development officers for supporting admissions were as follows ( also see Chapter Seven on the ‘ Limits to Care ’ ) :
17 The interviews identified a variety of entries into heroin use , based , first , on the relationship between the initiate and the person who introduced him or her to the drug , that is , the social ‘ how ? ’ ; and , secondly , on the reasons given by the users themselves as to why they took heroin in the first place , that is , the personal ‘ why ? ’ .
18 Examples of reasons given by the Secretary of State for not allowing a property to be exempted include :
19 Roskill L.J. , although endorsing , at p. 311H , the reasons given by the Master of the Rolls , otherwise based his judgment entirely upon the undertaking .
20 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that rule 21 of the Family Proceedings ( Children Act 1989 ) Rules 1991 required justices to give reasons and state their findings of fact on making orders under the Children Act 1989 ; that where a party appealed their order , justices could not remedy their failure to comply with rule 21 by supplying to the appellate court a more detailed statement of reasons and findings of fact ; and that , accordingly , the appellate court could only consider the reasons given by the justices at the time of the decision ( post , p. 527A–C , E–G ) .
21 I have already referred to the findings and the reasons given by the justices at the time that they announced their decision on 28 January 1992 .
22 Where a rating authority had a statutory power , but no duty , to refund rates overpaid by mistake , the House of Lords granted judicial review and ordered repayment where the reasons given by the authority for its refusal to repay were held not to be valid .
23 The Edinburgh " female question " clearly had repercussions outside the city , as can be seen from the reasons given by the Arbiter who turned down the Glasgow compositors " pay-claim in 1904 .
24 The current value of outstanding contracts placed by the Ministry of Defence with the companies listed is as follows : British Aerospace , £1,625 million ; Royal Ordnance , £315 million ; VSEL , £1,070 million ; Ferranti , £360 million ; and Leyland Daf , £105 million .
25 The guild also contributed regularly to investigations undertaken by the Labour Department of the Board of Trade into female labour .
26 Most startling of all is the FFr6.5 billion net profit ( FFr8.9 billion taking account of the taxes forgiven by the government ) just announced by Mr Raymond Levy of the carmaker Renault .
27 One of the officials in charge of shaping the more liberal policies favoured by the home office in the eighties was David .
28 Her invocation of themes and support for many policies favoured by the party 's grass-roots supporters has made the party more radical .
29 In this regard , it is relevant that the ‘ places ’ created by the expansion of non-manual/salaried employment were in many cases filled by the sons of manual wage workers , providing them with an avenue for social advancement , rather than , say , by more rapid breeding on the part of previously privileged strata .
30 The neglected , but instructive , sub-text to the passions aroused by the BBC director-general 's financial affairs is the ambitious and contentious agenda of reforms over which he has presided in the run-up to the renewal of the corporation 's charter .
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