Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the Catholic school moral education is a whole school task where pupils are enabled to experience moral values lived in the life of the school .
2 Mounted on fine horses and riding at a gallop , two abreast , naked to the breech-clout , their faces covered with white , red and yellow paint in fanciful designs , and decked with plumes and feathers and trinkets fluttering in the sunshine .
3 Five guitar cases sit in the corner of the room , betraying his affection for — and expertise in producing — guitar-orientated groups .
4 This is reminiscent of the hypothetical primal horde where the tribal father kept the women to himself and allowed the sons to remain in the family on sufferance ’
5 The only sound was the sea against the rocks and the hollow call of hungry birds circling in the sky .
6 Foxgloves form the foreground of my design this month , with sunflowers reaching up to the flocks of birds circling in the sky , above the cottage rooftops .
7 This policy has been international in scope , as was presaged by LIFFE 's early attempt to use its niche in the European time zone to create a market in US T-bond futures , for which the CBoT had established the world 's most successful futures contract in the US time zone .
8 This involves increasing the number of cases heard in the county courts , thereby maintaining High Court hearings for public law cases , specialist cases and general list cases of importance , complexity and substance .
9 For reasons given in the text , all figures should be treated carefully .
10 My Lords , for the reasons given in the speech to be delivered by my noble and learned friend , Lord Slynn of Hadley , which I have had the opportunity of reading in draft and with which I agree , I would dismiss this appeal .
11 For these reasons and for the reasons given in the judgment of Scott L.J. , I , too , would allow this appeal .
12 I also agree that for the reasons given in the judgment of Scott L.J .
13 Only if some people , ‘ because of their special circumstances — because they are crippled or lack talents prized in the market , or for some such reason — end up below the minimum standard of living required to lead a decent , self-fulfilling life at all ’ ( Dworkin , 1978a , pp. 244 , 258 ) would they have a right to ‘ a minimum standard ’ , even at the expense of the general welfare .
14 I spent many hours hidden in the bushes , silently watching one pair of bulbuls make their nest from beginning to end .
15 In the short term it might be expected to gain considerably from the actual construction of the tunnel and figures for the period up to March 1989 show that the South East , including Kent , had gained 27% of the £492m worth of contracts placed in the UK by Transmanche Link : Kent , as a single county , attracted a high share of 9% .
16 Meanwhile , plenty of new flats are being built and coming on to the market : developers have rushed to get their projects completed in the hope of selling before demand dried up .
17 Three major projects completed in the year were the Exmouth and Salcombe site specific field
18 Underneath that I have another article to which was kicked out sometime later but I have it in here , it says , raid on Gdynia would surprise to Nazis to say refugees in Sweden tell how the non Germans cheered in the streets but the two refugees eye witnesses to the American Bombing Attack on Gdynia , October ninth , reported here that the raid caught the Germans by surprise and that non German workers stood in the streets and cheered amid terrific destruction .
19 For our purposes , however , enough has been said to describe how the institutional setting can cause expenditure patterns of local authorities to deviate in the direction indicated by empirical work of Gramlich .
20 Moreover , the number of day cases treated in the district has increased by 64 per cent .
21 To argue , therefore , that changes in newspapers — in their content , style , readership , etc. — may be undesirable ( e.g. ‘ deradicalization ’ , ‘ depoliticization ’ ) is to confuse that which one may desire ( and which may be socially desirable ) with the actual and real choices which individuals and groups make in the market-place .
22 As records are created online for both existing holdings and new titles received in the Library Periodicals Unit staff will make use of the VTLS Serials control module for recording issues , on receipt , in the online system .
23 WELFARE groups joined in the condemnation of the Government 's decision to impose value-added tax on fuel bills yesterday by counting the cost in human terms .
24 A total of 94 riders remain in the race with four stages to go.Two dropped out yesterday , Australian Rob McLachlan submitting to flu and South African Steven Wolhuter being admitted to Shrewsbury Hospital for a check-up though he was released later .
25 His beard and teeth got in the way .
26 He said the number of emergency calls received in the Dales area of County Durham rarely exceeded one or two .
27 They contract with hospitals to buy services on behalf of patients and can use any surpluses to invest in the practice .
28 This feeling was unambiguously expressed by J. H. Muirhead , a Professor of Idealist Philosophy and secretary of the Ethical Society , who , while acknowledging the long history of ‘ class differences ’ , nevertheless warned that ‘ Class conflicts waged in the name of fundamentally different and irreconcilable social and ethical standards are a new thing . ’
29 Its frenzied rejection was very different to that of the many projects listed in the Police Foundation or Home Office Registers of Research mentioned above , most of which are simply ignored and never ever receive any review .
30 And they are concerned that the media and the public will take the proposals floated in the paper as cast iron and expect the APB to implement them all .
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