Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] to have [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All animals appear to have some capacity to learn from experience .
2 ‘ These young jet lads seemed to have little respect even for their parents .
3 Cocaine is so inexpensive that most heroin injectors like to have both drugs in the mix at the same time .
4 These schools appeared to have several things in common : first , each could be characterized as an ‘ innovative ’ school in some sense .
5 Neither of my parents seemed to have any friends , and tended to talk disparagingly of neighbours or colleagues .
6 In some cases , trade associations seem to have little sanction over rogue members .
7 Although bankers seem to have some optimism , even members of the Reichmann family say the debt restructuring will be a long haul .
8 Communists continued to have some success among the unemployed , many of whom felt betrayed by the Labour government and ignored by the TUC .
9 Some groups seem to have more power than others .
10 Languages which have elaborate systems of case inflections tend to have fewer restrictions on word order than languages like English which have very few case inflections .
11 Other studies show that older workers tend to have fewer accidents , less absenteeism , and greater output and job stability than their younger counterparts .
12 Workers expect to have some control over the means by which they perform a set task , and they resent having means specified in too much detail .
13 But when women experience child loss , the rationale of family planning for health or other purposes tends to have little meaning for them , and many reject non-traditional means of spacing or limiting births .
14 Repeated calls for restraint had been made by the ANC and Inkatha local and national leaderships , urging observance of the Jan. 29 joint peace appeal [ see pp. 37951-52 ] , but such appeals appeared to have little effect .
15 Biological growth of itself will not increase the size of the congregation , at least in the case of white Protestant churches , for the simple reason that white Protestant families tend to have fewer children .
16 it is clear that BSL learners need to have more access to both options if BSL competence is to be achieved .
17 For preference , choose one that is on its own in a hedgerow rather than one in a wood with many other trees , as single trees tend to have more galls on them .
18 ‘ That 's not to say anything against boys , but there are indicators that given opportunities in a single sex environment , girls tend to have fewer inhibitions .
19 Thus the arguments for easier maintenance and greater longevity of plastic windows appear to have little foundation in fact — an argument often ignored by the brewers .
20 Most players like to have some relief but they know with him that no matter how much he is hurting he will go on . ’
21 The Americans continue to have little interest in British acts apart from Right Said Fred — Vanessa Williams is number one in the States with Save the Best for Last — but our old mates the Aussies ca n't get enough of our lads .
22 It has been suggested that there are three theoretical approaches to regimes binding erga omnes : they can be regarded as a special concept within the law of treaties constituting an exception to the res inter alios principle ; they can be justified on a public law basis whereby a group of States assume quasi-legislative competence to create a regulatory regime for a defined territory in the overall community interest ; or other processes such as recognition , acquiescence , estoppel , historic title , or the formation of customary international law can produce an erga omnes effect on treaties intended to have that effect .
23 I always thought I had a good appetite , but I remember being at a college feast once at Cambridge , where they had seven or eight courses and the elderly dons seemed to have less trouble than anyone else getting through it .
24 Children seem to have little difficulty accepting this convention because it is so like the action replays they will frequently have seen on television .
25 Erm indeed there are many within in the education system , particularly older men seem to have this attitude in my experience , that y'know it 's just it 's just boys messing about and having a good time .
26 Northern men seem to have most sex : it 's slightly more common for them to be having sex 4–6 times a week , they 're least likely to have had only one partner in the past year , and most likely to say they get enough sex .
27 By 1900 however , the birth rate was plunging as couples chose to have fewer children , just as improved health had also begun to have a marked impact ; and it is the combination in the twentieth century of a now almost stagnant population of small families with a new fall in death rates which explains the striking rise of over-sixty-year-olds to form over 20 per cent of our population today and why , more than in any previous generation , such a high proportion of them are without children .
28 The argument from numbers continues to have some appeal in the criminal law but there are now few situations in which there may be an indictment for conspiracy in respect of acts which would not be criminal if done by one person .
29 I 'd always suspected big-wave riders had to have more cojones than the average human being , and there was at least one of that species who seemed to bear out my hypothesis .
30 Abolitionists had to face the fact that for many of their fellow countrymen during the next thirty years open public meetings continued to have this resonance .
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