Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 How many uplifts should I use , and do I need special adaptors to connect them to the filter ?
2 Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks .
3 He quotes the view of Aristo , who produces two arguments : first , that by analogy with relegatio dotis and the stipulatio emptae hereditatis the word ‘ sums ’ should be held to include objects as well as money ; second , that intention is particularly important in trusts , and it appears to be the testator 's intention in first speaking generally of ‘ sums ’ and then mentioning certain objects to include them in the expression too .
4 The search for counter-examples led them to the history of the family and of the primitive local community which they saw as kinship based .
5 These jobs are usually seen as benefits , certainly by the workers who flock to take them up , and by the governments that have established incentive programmes to attract them in the first place .
6 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
7 They hired dragomans to escort them round the tombs and temples in the shade of parasols .
8 Bloom et al. " s study of how to is acquired in infinitival complement constructions led them to the clear conclusion that " the children learned to with the meaning " " direction towards " " and not as a meaningless syntactic marker " ( 1984 : 391 ) .
9 This teacher 's view that the Afro-Caribbean pupils felt obliged to live up to the labels given them by the school was reiterated by other teachers .
10 No doubt a finder of perishable commodities would be justified in taking any reasonable steps to preserve them pending the ascertainment of their owner ; e.g .
11 I was still more surprised when some of their parents arrived in motor cars to see them at the weekend
12 There were traps to catch them along the way .
13 She turned away , shutting her eyes to adjust them to the darkness , and then with no further hesitation she was going down the rope hand over hand , her feet and knees checking at each knot .
14 Most parents of children at poorer schools already know about those schools , though they do not have the information to confront the governors , teachers and heads to urge them of the need to improve the school .
15 It 's just that most offices put them in the open near the coffee machine or the Ladies loo and anybody can see what 's coming over .
16 Although there is much in these three books to put them in the category of Ruritanian adventure , Scott may be a stronger influence .
17 They return in delight but with sadness too , for even the memory fades because there is nothing in the rational mind with which the ideas may be linked and there are no images to fix them in the memory .
18 The high viscosity of these solutions keeps them in the eye longer , while the polymer itself is intended to mimic the ocular mucins ( glycoproteins ) , a deficiency of which is often the cause of dry eye symptoms , and promote tear film stability .
19 So , naturally , many insect-eating animals pursue them in the air .
20 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
21 There was a school of thought that said they should kill the human , whose mad eyes followed them around the floor .
22 Removing the worry of finding other jobs should make it easier for the players to focus on their cricket and there is also the hope that a couple of the kids to benefit from having our lads coaching them in the winter will develop into Notts players of the future . ’
23 Other voluntary hospitals with such funds lost them to the Exchequer , which pooled them in a central fund .
24 As the Dwarfs moved south Goblins watched them from the hills , reporting their movements by means of oily smoke signals and throbbing war drums .
25 Hundreds of black-headed gulls were also joining in the feast of freshly hatching insects , paddling over the waves to snatch them from the surface , whilst in the Island Bay we came upon three superb black terns , dipping and turning over the water .
26 A Mr Big character showed the pre-pubescents the gigging ropes , a set of Status Quo covers taking them to the giddy heights of 600 capacity community discos .
27 Farmers will be offered money to cut the use of pesticides and fertilizers , and those who choose to convert to organic methods of cultivation will receive support premiums to assist them during the lean transition period .
28 Only people with soft heads stick them in the sand and wait to be kicked up the arse by little cheats and liars .
29 A NEW CULTURE FOR PEARL Pearl Assurance is one of the companies that are implementing IT solutions to take them beyond the year 2000
30 Up to a certain size , that is to say the size attained by the rats at a few weeks old , she caught and ate them , and , with a sure instinct for authority , brought in their tails to lay them at the feet of Martha .
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