Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] out the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had called in a local firm of builders to carry out the essential brickwork , plastering and re-tiling on the roof ; after that , he took a hand in the redecoration personally , splashing on new paint and putting up wallpaper .
2 Legislation created a host of unemployed bureaucrats , municipal and seigniorial officials , who exhibited what liberals called ‘ passive ’ opposition to the constitution — the refusal of local authorities to carry out the administrative changes and apply the laws of the Cortes .
3 The following quotation from Norman Conway , a grammar school chemistry teacher interviewed by Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden ( 1962 ) , shows how the competition for scarce university places ( and ultimately for a better job for the teacher ) , especially in the context of bureaucratic mass-assessment can allow the instrumental pursuit of extrinsic rewards to drive out the expensive ‘ educational side ’ :
4 The bells crashed out the joyous news practically all day .
5 Many people also complain that our present hierarchies bring out the nastier aspects of human behavior , like greed , insensitivity , careerism and self-importance .
6 Kids bring out the natural father in me and I get a crinkly mouth every time I look at an ankle snapper .
7 PWMI has studies these sectors to work out the average lifetime for the material in the market .
8 Techniques have been devised by Operational Research scientists to enable organizations to work out the Economic Order Quantity ( EOQ ) for individual stock items , and to aid them in setting optimum re-order levels ( ie the levels at which stock needs to be replaced ) .
9 If he can look that prospect squarely in the eye and both parties cut out the cheap jibes , they will see that they are talking the same language .
10 He drew her against him , his lips seeking out the smooth plane of her cheek , the full , ripe curve of her mouth .
11 She tried to sound playful , but somehow the words came out the wrong way .
12 He was trembling now , his back still against the door , his eyes searching out the ill-formed contours within the room .
13 She pushed him away , closing her eyes to shut out the present image of his face .
14 He pressed his hands to his eyes to shut out the dreadful picture .
15 You could already see those vipers sorting out the Ambre Solaire .
16 Five-foot sash cramps sort out the main frame ; the brackets need special treatment .
17 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
18 Guardian writer John , 60 , had flown to Austria with other newsmen to test out the gleaming XJ220 on a racing circuit near Salzburg .
19 Each door and drawer is individually finished by craftsmen to bring out the full beauty of the grain .
20 Three inches in from the portal , Kirov 's keen eyes picked out the single human hair which he had fixed , with a smear of soapstone , between the door and the bare wooden floor .
21 USL and SunSoft have spent the last few months working out the commercial implications of the ABI on delivery schedules and compatibility issues .
22 As all the voices hammer out the same syllables together , the accentuation is at its sharpest ( Example 64 , overleaf ) .
23 ( That is assuming that the United Nations sorts out the regulatory problems . )
24 It says vendors took around eighteen months to bring out the first XPG3-branded products after its introduction .
25 Heaven help them all when the dailies came out the next day .
26 The manager may take on that role but the new volunteers may find that they lack support as the manager is likely to be too busy with other duties to carry out the in-bureau training task thoroughly .
27 In carrying out the balancing exercise Hoffmann J. set out on the one hand the enormous losses caused to a listed public company , the interests of the creditors of B. & C. , the public interest in having the whole matter investigated and the need of the administrators to find out the true financial position of the company and the truth of the representations made concerning it .
28 Hardy needed three rounds to work out the Mexican southpaw before taking over .
29 Simpson 's collected sermons set out the Antinomian creed he never retracted .
30 To recover blastocysts carry out the following steps .
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