Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] us [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We might conceive of the aside as occupying a zone midway between the play and the audience ; we continue to experience the play , but we do so via the new information or attitudes given us by the character or characters speaking the asides .
2 Data could pop up in boxes around the screen , and in due course graphics , mice and icons led us into the wimps era ( window , icon , menu , pointer ) .
3 Part of the process of gaining control over our lives involves us in resisting their attempts to box us in the pigeonhole of ‘ client ’ — and to expose their self-styled , self-seeking efforts to elevate their second-hand knowledge about disability into a ‘ profession ’ .
4 The Jews provide us with the single most illuminating incident of the episcopate of Avitus .
5 Jesus ' sufferings draw us into the love of God and show us how much he loved us .
6 Various speakers congratulated us on the marvellous work we had done over the past few months .
7 Spurs coach Doug Livermore said : ‘ Andy 's young but in every pre-season game , he was so good , his performances hit us in the eye . ’
8 After lunch two mini-buses took us to the Ulster Folk Museum at Cultra and the Dublin deaf were overcome by the beauty of our countryside .
9 One of our walks took us to the top of a huge escarpment at a place called Losiolo , or World 's View .
10 What do these syndromes tell us about the language-processing system as it exists in intact brains ?
11 Our nervous Iraqi guards kept us inside the small bungalow that was ‘ home ’ for the 12 of us .
12 A mule clattered past , its straw panniers thrust us against the adobe wall .
13 We are likely to repeat previous styles to get us through the pain , but a point can be reached where the old ways no longer work .
14 These songs remind us of the deeds and of the character of God , as does the psalmist who sings :
15 Wood ladders greeted us at the most difficult places across the stream .
16 We 've asked four top designers to join us for the day and show just how they would accessorize the little black dress that is a staple of this season 's wardrobe .
17 And my comment would be that the spirit guides us in our understanding of the bible , needs to be augmented by the words and in our daily lives before the words renews us in the sacraments and calls us to serve God in the world .
18 This concept of the division of our mental attributes into two quite separate aspects brings us to the frontiers of the fourth plane of our being , the spiritual level or plane .
19 Fortunately , in this series of articles we will use more conventional maps to set us on the treasure trail , because it is my belief that correctly interpreted , the Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles already contain most of the information necessary to track down some of the treasures that time has so cunningly concealed !
20 It 's a convenient unit , perhaps a useful way of thinking about it is in terms of the time that light takes about eight minutes to reach us from the sun .
21 Thus , a use of eloquent formal language , a confident employment of a literary heritage , and a preoccupation with either metaphysical themes or the large issues of state of especial interest to those in the governing classes are normally upheld as critical sign-posts directing us to the period 's ‘ greatest ’ writing .
22 A variety of witches faced us across the TV studio and encouraged us by supporting our warning to the public to avoid playing around with the ouija board .
23 Analysis of the returns leads us to the following conclusions :
24 Nathan and I are quite alone , many miles from civilization and , apparently , lost , the wind having blown snow across the tracks ahead suggests that we just let the dogs lead us towards the others , a well-reasoned idea that works perfectly .
25 Since this is , in effect , as much an oblique comment on the present as a literal interpretation of the past , what such accounts tell us about the quality of village life in the past must be handled with considerable scepticism .
26 We have the kitchen middens to inform us about the former and the dolmens and passage graves — both resting places and scenes of ancestor worship — to inform us of the latter .
27 The strings provide us with the most expressive and appealing medium ( with perhaps the exception of the human voice ) that exists in the whole range of music .
28 The Quartet can be read as a ‘ simulacrum of simulation ’ in this sense : it reveals the simulated nature of the projections , speculations , and reconstructions fed us by the oral media and the role of story-telling in all so-called ‘ objective ’ compilations of factual information .
29 One of the most important questions facing us in the field of procedural protection is whether we are prepared to think more broadly about what procedural protection connotes .
30 What you have seen today may well be the best lesson you will ever learn of the difficulties facing us in the outside world .
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