Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] at [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He saw the knot of people beyond the flames gazing at him in puzzled amazement , but they made no response .
2 Blundell 's School magazine later observed : ‘ Parisian cricket is not of the Comic Opera kind one would expect … we dreamt of French demon bowlers with pro-Boer tendencies hurling at us on bumpy wickets . ’
3 Tiny red eyes gleamed at her for a moment before disappearing .
4 Did she imagine it or did a head of bronze curls pop round the door , and were a pair of peacock-blue eyes gazing at her with implacable hatred ?
5 Like one , all six typewriters stopped and six pairs of eyes gazed at him above the machines .
6 His dark eyes flickered at me like a long sooty flame , then he looked down again .
7 His eyes sparked at her like firecrackers .
8 It vanished for a while , but then shone brightly at them as the car reached the top of the small hill and again they shielded their eyes to look at it like actors on a stage .
9 One of the porters beamed at me from under his large straw hat .
10 I opened the conservatory door to slip out to my bedroom the back way and noticed a pair of eyes peering at me from behind the rubber plant in the far corner , distorted by the old glass .
11 And with his round face and friendly little circular eyes peering at you from behind those less-than-state-of-the-art spectacles .
12 She walked back into the house , and Piers glanced at her with one raised eyebrow .
13 Part of his speed-of-reflex training as a kung-fu master had been to evade , or divert with forearm blocks , spears flung at him by other trainees in the martial arts school .
14 When he threw open shutters to let in air and light , pictures sprang at her from the walls .
15 She was more than halfway through the set before she managed to screw up enough courage to glance down at Adam 's table , and her heart turned to cold stone as she spotted him in his usual seat , his dark eyes staring at her with their disturbing lack of expression .
16 Passers-by looked at him in some curiosity , seeing the tears course down his cheeks ; and still he walked on and on .
17 Before she could utter the cry of alarm which rose in her throat his hand had closed over her mouth , and Paige 's startled eyes blinked at him over the top .
18 There is the camel rider of Blunt in the glaring light and the thorn bushes clutching at him with their crooked hands .
19 The words sprayed at her like bullets .
20 Nikos looked at him with scorn , scooped up the remaining papers and went out .
21 Large dark eyes looked at her without any expression and all he said was : ‘ Sir ? ’ in a voice both deep and guarded .
22 She saw a young , rather handsome man , whose brown eyes looked at her in a way she found slightly disturbing , though this was not the kind of thing she would have admitted to anybody but herself .
23 Two grey eyes looked at him through tears and he suddenly grinned , his eyes dancing .
24 Golden eyes looked at him from among the leaves of the yellow maple tree where Peach sat cleverly camouflaged .
25 For a moment the two gentlemen stared at him in perplexity , as he shook his head , bubbling over at some private joke , until he caught the puzzlement on both faces .
26 Piers looked at them with a frown .
27 Piers looked at her with interest .
28 Rice is a perfectionist when it comes to his art , which he practised as a child in Mississippi by catching bricks thrown at him by his brothers , sometimes four at a time .
29 His voice was quiet , matter-of-fact and kind , and his eyes smiled at her with interest and curiosity , she thought , beyond the mere charm he must use by native grace upon all who came near him and were weaker than he .
30 All the time with other people she was acting , confident and charming ; backstage alone , the pain in her eyes glared at her from a bright-lit make-up mirror , weeping at the tawdriness of it all , scorning costume and plot and witty script .
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