Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] at [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 HEp-2 ( ATCC CCL 23 ) , obtained from the European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures ( ECACC , PHLS , CAMR , Salisbury ) , were maintained in Eagle 's Minimum Essential Medium ( MEM , Gibco Ltd ) containing Earle 's salts , fetal calf serum ( 10% ) and antibiotics incubated at 37°C in humidified atmospheres of either 10% CO 2 in air of 10% CO 2 , 5% O 2 in nitrogen .
2 Two more hi-jackings , set up by Hatton , who had kept the drivers occupied at pontoon in a carmen 's cafe ?
3 FOLLOWING the lifting of EEC trade barriers , light dues [ a service charge paid by vessels calling at ports in the UK to cover the costs of lighthouses , etc. ] previously payable by vessels to Trinity House , will no longer be collected by HM Customs .
4 With the exception of the Garden Records database , few , if any , databases exist at RBG in an advanced state .
5 Incomer networks were forged out of relationships created at work in the new estates and in the local social club , an institution established to help airport workers obtain some of the urban civilisation .
6 Twenty-nine nations competed at Wembley in this 9th World Championship .
7 As boarding-school heads assembled at Ambleside in the Lake District for their annual conference on May 4th-6th , the 1993 census by ISIS , the independent schools information service , showed that the number of boarders continues to fall .
8 A committee of clerics and nobles meeting at Scone in 1295 persuaded the so-called King John that enough was enough , and that instead of pandering to the King of England he should seek an alliance with the King of France .
9 When Everton 's title aspirations exploded at Oxford in 1986 he blamed two misses on a new pair of boots , switching back to his worn favourites and slamming a hat-trick past Southampton !
10 In 1283 , on the failure of the king to coerce both clergy and lay representatives at York and Northampton , subsequent provincial clerical gatherings convened at London in 1283 and at York in 1286 , attended by proctors of the lower clergy with full powers to treat and consent , and duly made grants ; the proctors acted as agents of diocesan synods which had already discussed the grants .
11 Bottles hurled at police in car chase
12 The key ideas were proposed by Grice in the William james lectures delivered at Harvard in 1967 and still only partially published ( Grice , 1975 , 1978 ) .
13 Heat on top of the head ; feet burn at night in bed , hot flushes rising up .
14 Heat on top of the head ; feet burn at night in bed , hot flushes rising up .
15 The second phase will involve more detailed case study work with a small number of authorities to look at techniques in practice .
16 Of the ten copies sold at auction in the last eighty years , only one has been perfect .
17 For the appellant Mr. Lester submits that it should now be appropriate for the courts to look at Hansard in order to ascertain the intention of the legislators as expressed in the proceedings on the Bill which has then been enacted in the statutory words requiring to be construed .
18 They sat outside at a table overlooking the bay , with the twinkling lights of the harbour beyond , the big yachts and the smaller boats bobbing at anchor in the moonlight .
19 This extracorporeal fluid reservoir represents between 30% and 40% of the total water content of dogwhelks collected at Blackrock in Sussex ( Coombs , 1973 ) and Nigg Bay near Aberdeen ( Boyle et at. , 1979 ) .
20 This tradition was continued in the 1920s with the new stations built at Lucknow in 1926 and Kanpur ( Cawnpore ) in 1928 .
21 As guard dogs barked at rabbits in the barbed-wire-ringed grounds , Bawdsey Manor last week looked uncommonly like a place with secrets still to harbour .
22 The American Harmon Tupper found two stations coexisting at Mariinsk in the 1960s .
23 At first sight everything seemed normal as boats bobbed at anchor in the little harbour , the wind whipped up the sea , and the mainly farming community attended to early calving .
24 She has only one of her sons staying at home in South Ronaldsay and is concerned that she may never be allowed to care for the others .
25 REIGNING Champion Hurdler Royal Gait died of a heart attack yesterday after finishing fourth in the Bookmakers Hurdle at Leopardstown in Ireland .
26 Japan , confident in her position as victor , agreed to requests for a peace conference , and representatives of the two belligerents met at Shimonoseki in southwest Honshu in March .
27 As a result of reforms ordained at Cowick in 1323 , pipe rolls ( which recorded the shire revenues of the crown ) grew to be triple and quadruple the size they were under Edward I ; rolls and writs of the treasury of receipt increased by five or six times ; for the extensive Contrariant lands separate memoranda were compiled ; new calendars were introduced to record estreats , matters despatched at the exchequer and accounts to be rendered .
28 In the Vale of Evesham , around Broad Marston and Weston-on-Avon , high values come as no surprise , but the variations indicated at Meon in Quinton seem instructive .
29 Those people are local managers sitting at desks in those hospitals , not bureaucrats sitting in a tower block in Paddington at the North East Thames regional health authority offices .
30 The skills required to manoeuvre flask transporters obviously stood Adam Luke , from Torness , in good stead when he entered the Scottish lorry driving championships held at SECC in Glasgow recently .
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