Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] for [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 Four of Africa 's most talented peoples — the Ibo , the Bamilike , the waChagga and the Bugunda — have all had their innovative talents circumscribed for many years .
2 ‘ And the TCCB 's directive for pitches has for several years now been that they must start dry . ’
3 Because of the long-term nature of the business ( many funds run for five years or more ) , there are comparatively few firms that have been going long enough to supply relevant data .
4 An investor who placed £30 a month into the savings scheme for 10 years to March 31 would have amassed £8,495 after expenses .
5 The teachers had been trained at two training colleges in Kemmendine , those for primary schools studying for one year and those for middle schools for two years .
6 Drug couriers jailed for seven years each
7 He was jailed for three months suspended for two years on each of the Customs offences and fined £100 on each of the police charges .
8 Mason was given a prison sentence of 15 months suspended for two years for setting fire to property and a three-month sentence to run concurrently for assault .
9 British industry , the City of London , most of what used to be called Fleet Street , and the economic spokesmen for all the political parties have for many years spoken with one voice on this matter : what Britain required , they all said , was a large , secure home market in which it was possible to benefit from economies of scale comparable to those enjoyed by the Japanese and the Americans .
10 In 1903 the Poplar Guardians leased for one year a new workhouse specifically for the use of able-bodied men .
11 On 28 July of that year there appeared in The Seaman a leading article headed " Shall We Shake Hands " , making no apology for the conflicts of the past , but offering to the Federation , as one powerful organisation to another , the hand of friendship provided that it was willing to set aside its " preposterous contention " that all seamen should carry a Federation ticket and further suggesting a joint board along the lines operated for many years by the Durham miners .
12 To put on a play in a town which had let its Mysteries lapse for five years — it was a serious temptation .
13 On that rather unsatisfactory agnostic note matters rested for many years until Don Patinkin published his classic work , Money , Interest and Prices .
14 Something over two hundred vacancies resulted in the immediate aftermath and a trickle of further resignations followed for some years to come .
15 ‘ My mother was a maid in Crystal Springs House for many years , and I used to come here sometimes as a child .
16 Field trials have for many years been concerned with finding a clone less susceptible to frost and this was initially seen as a way of upgrading some of the frost-prone vineyards of the Marne Valley which are traditionally planted with the hardier Pinot Meunier .
17 Some European and Middle Eastern countries have for many years responded to the resultant labour shortages by " importing " immigrant labour to perform relatively menial and unskilled tasks .
18 Also included are investment incentives for certain enterprise zones and a 50% capital gains exclusion for sales of shares of small companies held for five years .
19 Details are given below under Teaching , but it is worth mentioning here the training course in French law at the University of Aix/ Marseille , for which scholarships have for some years been offered by the Cultural Service of the French Embassy , 22 Wilton Crescent , London SW1 .
20 As an interim measure , the council decided on 14 March to give the nod to about £45 million to keep projects going for one year , ‘ It 's a complex mix , ’ one official said .
21 The Grammy-winning Genesis singer has decided to live full-time in America , where he is planning three films deals for next year .
22 The Fire Brigade Union has requested one and a half weeks pay for each year of service , plus the annual bounty payment .
23 He was successful , and collections continued for many years .
24 Some of his commissions continued for many years ; at both Chirk Castle and Erddig he supervised the landscaping for twenty-four years .
25 Northern governments preparing for next year 's Cairo conference on population have been unable to agree a joint strategy .
26 Its commitment to standards will also be reflected the various impending ISO 9000 approvals planned for this year — as a multilayer and plated through hole board supplier in May ; as a single-sided board supplier in October ; and as a services operation , in September .
27 Conservationists have for many years been predicting the catastrophic consequences of a major oil spill in Arctic or Antarctic seas , and in early 1989 , their worst fears were realised .
28 In order to qualify for the basic pension , men and women must either be full contributors or be credited with contributions for all of their working lives subject to a minimum of full contributions paid for twenty years .
29 California will allow out-of-state banks to enter its market from this year , so its big banks have for several years sought to concentrate on growing bigger in the local retail market through buying smaller banks and thrifts .
30 American Secretary of State Warren Christopher told delegates from more than 100 countries the largest human rights gathering for 25 years that the US rejected calls from some Asian and Middle East states for feebler standards .
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