Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] it [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 This is a statement of law as it should be , rather than as it is , but there is nothing to stop the courts developing it in this direction .
2 However , unless I want junk food from one of the many establishments purveying it in this thoroughly commercialised station , all I have available to sit on in the huge concourse is a grubby metal flip-up slat a few inches wide .
3 Can I say that we are now organising quite tightly the business of street collections , and I think if committee are minded to reduce the number of collections that we allow , we should decide that before we come to this meeting , because I think it 's very difficult in practical terms to do it at this stage , and therefore I would suggest that we do agree twenty-one , not withstanding what Graham said , we can take on board some of what he said , and maybe the month before we are asked to take this decision , we have an item on the agenda where we discuss the principle before we get down to the practicalities .
4 In particular , teacher-librarians could describe how some subject areas were making greater use of the library for project-based or topic-based work , and could describe how the library was booked , sometimes on a regular basis , by departments using it in this way .
5 Cliftonville manager Frankie Parks put it like this : ‘ There was a lot of frustration on the day but the better side won .
6 As Timberlake and his colleagues put it in this brief but incisive review , greens ‘ suggest that this thing called the environment is a sacred garden set aside from human activities . ’
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