Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Foreigners tend to see him as a ‘ whingeing pom , brit etc. ’ and do not like the program .
2 Trade supremo Michael Heseltine , whose supporters want to see him in Mr Lamont 's job , was even more lavish in his praise .
3 Lord Dundas was fully aware of Glassford 's importance to his political interest in Clackmannan , and had taken steps to try to oblige him in a matter relating to his West Indian business interests , but Glassford was also conscious of his position in the political sphere , and fully intended to use it to secure his brother-in-law 's reinstatement .
4 It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised .
5 After Hocazade 's appointment to the kazaskerlik some years later , his father and brothers came to visit him in Edirne .
6 His office says he has kept at least 20 top-flight journalists and analysts cooling their heels waiting to interview him since October .
7 The expert is not precluded from taking this role unless the parties agree to prohibit him from doing so .
8 Thames Water Utilities wanted to put him on light duties .
9 The tunes played by the 25-year-old former London College of Music student have become a feature at the club this season and the Crewe directors intend to reward him with a free season ticket .
10 Mr Craxi , who had been unchallenged party leader for 16 years , four of them as prime minister , resigned on Thursday as judges moved to prosecute him in connection with a corruption scandal .
11 When Cathy got pregnant at fourteen by the lodger who until recently had lived in her family 's home , her parents decided to take him to court .
12 In addition no child would be admitted at 11 unless his parents undertook to keep him at school until 18 ( though presumably the schools would have the right to throw out children who proved unsuitable , or who did not do enough work ) .
13 A hidden mechanism activates , ejecting a series of sharp knife blades threatening to push him from the ledge .
14 Reputable government officials grovelled to assure him of their impeccable record of loyal activities in the YMCA , as a boy scout , a churchgoer , a Sunday School activist .
15 He kept glancing north to make certain no enemy troops appeared to pin him against the river .
16 As his championship hopes grew in the second half of the season , his fellow Italian riders began to treat him like their little brother .
17 Sharif alleged that the government was using its federal powers to try to unseat him by denying transport and access to credit to the industrial concern , Ittefaq , of which he was a partner , thereby adding further pressure in the federal investigations of Sharif and his supporters .
18 A YOUNG Tyrone man has claimed British intelligence officers tried to recruit him as an informer while he was on holiday in Spain .
19 The alleged assaults happened when two officers went to arrest him at a house in Cathcart Road in London .
20 He was exceedingly malicious and the gods had to restrain him with a magic chain , named Gleipnir , forged from :
21 Without resources , unable to earn a living , at the mercy of at least two Federal agencies determined to silence him by one means or another , and now set up as a government-approved target for any stray kook or fanatic , Coleman had to find a more defensible position .
22 The April 7 results gave Clinton a total of at least 1,264 of the 2,145 delegates required to assure him of his party 's nomination .
23 But in the end they and the Russians decided to install him on his fathers throne ; They reasoned that the could always be replaced if he did not do as was required .
24 When Ludens tried to ask him about his ‘ thoughts ’ , he replied that he had ‘ difficulties ’ which they might discuss ‘ later on ’ .
25 He came directly to the parlour shared by Astorre , John and Tobie , followed by servants attempting to rid him of his wet cloak .
26 The likeliest explanation of his defeat in the executive 's constituency section vote is that party activists wanted to rebuke him for publicly rocking the boat during the passage of the policy review .
27 His employers offered to pay him in full until the 12-month period expired and the High Court granted them an injunction , preventing Mr Henderson from leaving prematurely .
28 Doctors fought to save him in the days afterward .
29 The weather was terrible and his friends tried to dissuade him from flying .
30 Anyway , the outcome was that the other members tried to expel him from the branch .
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