Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But it was only when tourists and journalists began to return from Bucharest in the mid-later 1980s with photographs of the demolitions and stories about their effects on the local people that any organized criticism of the regime got under way in Western Europe .
2 Ratings continue to benefit from management 's conservative financial policies , the agency said .
3 The old Company cars continued to operate from Bispham Depot until the late Thirties , when they were replaced by modern cars .
4 All snakes prefer to retreat from predators as quickly as possible , but if cornered will then use their lightning strike as a form of protection .
5 The extensive range of Wedgwood jewellery has been complemented by the addition of fine bone china cameos and the collectability of Coalport figurines continues to go from strength to strength .
6 Chief Superintendent Ken Mackay , in charge of the operation , said police had been aware of the large number of City supporters planning to arrive from Friday .
7 Hence equation ( 8.2 ) defines a price determined real wage ( PRW ) which employers seek to defend from erosion in the face of money-wage demands by insiders in order to protect their real profitability .
8 Eating disorders tend to come from childhood , or problems , or ways people have approached food in the past and the pressure is on women to be slim to fit into these categories are er , just more pressures that make it very difficult for somebody who has an eating disorder to sort the problem all these pressures just make it more difficult .
9 With the break between the two concentrations , soon to be filled in by Milton Keynes and Northampton 's expansion , a virtually unbroken stretch of metropolitan areas promised to stretch from Sussex to North Lancashire .
10 Following Roman 's resignation ( or the handing in of his mandate , as he put it ) on Sept. 26 , and conciliation discussions between Iliescu and miners ' leader Miron Cosma , the miners began to withdraw from Bucharest on Sept. 27 .
11 ADSS disabilities committee chairman Roy Taylor said directors wanted to learn from RADAR 's project .
12 It is the number of operations needed to move from x to y if no tile got in the way of any other .
13 In general , opposition to John Watson 's ideas tends to come from Mike Lester , while Jones , Cox and Thomas generally support the Chairman .
14 My interest in whether they were making much progress towards the glorious flavours beginning to arrive from Australia , New Zealand and Southern America was only somewhat tempered by a certain nervousness on behalf of my liver and my head .
15 On this day : the Gregorian calendar was adopted in Italy and Spain and today became 15 October 1582 ; Spain declared war on Britain , 1796 ; Italian troops occupied Tripoli , 1911 ; the first air battle took place between German and French aircraft , 1914 ; the Allies landed at Salonika , 1915 ; Sir Arthur Lee presented the estate of Chequers as an official country residence for the Prime Minister , 1917 ; the Locarno Conference met and the great powers guaranteed frontiers and agreed to put disputes to arbitration , 1925 ; unemployed shipyard workers started to march from Jarrow to London , 1936 ; the Cominform ( Communist Information Bureau ) was set up to aid European Communist parties , 1947 ; tea rationing ended in Britain , 1952 .
16 Their interest has been titillated by occasional manuscripts said to come from Ivan the Terrible 's library , which have periodically come to light in Moscow .
17 High tide , with the water welling round the piers of the bridge , and the buildings on the banks seeming to grow from water , was nice , but low tide , as on this morning , had a sort of beauty of its own .
18 Christians need to reflect from time to time on their faith , knowing that it is easy to be distracted from their calling to be disciples .
19 Drift-netters wishing to move from fishing grounds in the Tasman to those in the South Pacific would not be allowed to pass through New Zealand waters without risking confiscation of their vessels and a substantial fine .
20 According to Gates , in comments reported in PC Week , large corporate customers looking to upgrade from Windows 3 to NT will be able to do so for less than $100 per desktop — the upgrade price for Windows users will be $300 , which translates to $180 ‘ on the street ’ and less than ‘ $100 per system ’ after deep volume discounts , Gates told a meeting of the Corporate Association of Microcomputer Professionals in Chicago .
21 Bill Gates has firmed up prices for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT operating system , but the first ships date has moved off into the future again , and ‘ no later than ’ August 1 is the new target : according to Gates , in comments reported in PC Week , large corporate customers looking to upgrade from Windows 3 to NT will be able to do so for less than $100 per desktop — the upgrade price for Windows users will be $300 , which translates to $180 ‘ on the street ’ and less than ‘ $100 per system ’ after deep volume discounts , Gates told a meeting of the Corporate Association of Microcomputer Professionals in Chicago ; OS/2 users will be offered ‘ extremely low prices ; ’ NT 's suggested retail price for new — desktop — users will be $500 ; more bad news is that memory requirements are continuing to soar — Gates last week recommended that NT users install 16Mb on their desktop machines , even though the documentation may specify 12Mb — and no more than about 10% of 80486 machines have 16Mb ; servers could require more than 16Mb , he added ; initial NT buyers will need to have specific applications in mind for it — ‘ If you do n't know why you want NT , you probably do n't want NT , ’ he said .
22 Dancers begin to assemble from morning onwards …
23 A daily weekday goods continued to run from July 1952 until December 1960 when heavy floods damaged the Tanat river bridge between Llangedwyn and Pentrefelin .
24 The researches of Robert Whiting into the impact of the official reformation on the people of Devon and Cornwall have revealed that even in this conservative part of the country , where attachment to Catholic ritual had been particularly strong , statues of the saints began to disappear from churches soon after their condemnation by the Henrician injunctions , and within a short space of time the wills of the laity contained fewer references to images or intercessory masses .
25 Strong figures are due from Eastern Electricity on Thursday with profits set to rise from £15.4m to £24m , while top-end estimates for Scottish Hydro-Electric are heading for £40m-£50m , up from £27m last year .
26 However , overloading of certain services remains a major problem , and reports have been received of passengers having to stand from Birmingham to Aberystwyth !
27 In the present study none of the patients had to withdraw from therapy because of side effects , irrespective of the length of treatment .
28 Given the significance of regular heroin use , the psychological and physical dependency often associated with the drug , and the all-embracing nature of the lifestyle usually required to secure funds and supplies , users tend to live from moment to moment and find little time for reflecting upon their situation .
29 IBM Corp has at last woken up to the fact that to remain competitive in the personal computer business , it is necessary constantly to add new models , and in the US , the company yesterday added new 80486-based PS/1 models based on chips ranging from the 25MHz 80486SX to the 66MHz 80486DX2 ; they come in desktop and minitower configurations and are available now at prices expected to go from $1,200 to $3,000 ; they are upgradable to the Pentium .
30 Once new fields are delineated they come to be seen as natural , their boundaries appear to derive from logic , and a world in which they had no place becomes unimaginable .
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