Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition , young Christians often face a crisis in their faith , because employers tend to discriminate against the country 's Christian minority .
2 NEC is to develop a special version of its UP 4800 server series for Control Data , with shipments expected to begin in the second half of 1993 .
3 The erm draft of or the advice that the local planning authorities intend to give to the secretary of state is currently out for consultation , we hope that it will be submitted by the end of the year .
4 Their problem is their flower buds tend to swell in the winter and can be damaged by frost or winds .
5 MPs who on the whole tend to be rather casual about going to meetings organised for their benefit by pressure groups tend to go to the nuclear forum , because it is always well-structured and organised , and because they can then say to constituents who work in either the nuclear industry or the nuclear supply industry that they have been , and still are , taking an interest in the decisions that affect those particular electors .
6 In rural areas the school frequently serves as a focal point for the local community — its removal can have a detrimental effect in that it may become increasingly difficult to attract new families to settle , the younger age groups tend to drift towards the neighbouring towns and the average age of the remaining inhabitants goes on rising .
7 These groups tend to locate in the older urban cores as a result of factors examined earlier .
8 Initially , the chemical potential µ 1 , of the solvent in the solution , is lower than that of the pure solvent , µ 1 ° and solvent molecules tend to pass through the membrane into the solution in order to attain equilibrium .
9 Irish scrum-halves tend to arrive on the scene than at 22 .
10 In return the states agreed to co-operate with the federal government in reducing duplication of health and welfare services , cutting losses in state-owned businesses , co-ordinating infrastructure spending , and harmonizing regulations in areas such as environmental protection and professional qualifications .
11 Autobiographies , ghosted or not , and ‘ humorous ’ essays tend to lurk in the literary equivalent of shark-infested waters .
12 several Journalism students formed part of the reporting team of Summit Radio , a week-long project of topical , cultural and current affairs radio programmes timed to coincide with the Edinburgh Summit in November 1992 ;
13 In public bureaucracies there may be conflicts of interest between different levels of the hierarchy arising from the values which different strata bring to bear on the policies being pursued by the government .
14 A similar campaign finance bill ( including the honoraria ban and limitation on outside income ) was passed by the Senate in 1990 but was lost at the end of the congressional session when the two Houses failed to agree upon the final form of the legislation .
15 It must be said that in Britain the new public library authorities created in 1972 have in many cases failed to capitalize on the opportunities for better stock provision which the larger units were supposedly able to achieve .
16 The SFO only becomes involved in cases where more than £1 million is involved , and most cases tend to come from the DTI .
17 But despite all the authorities ' attempts to pretend that all goes well , the birthday celebrations are moving forward in the shadow of a public mood of national crisis , dramatised by the tens of thousands of East Germans struggling to flee to the West in recent weeks .
18 The N terminal pentapeptide of pancreatic procolipase is highly conserved in nature with only three forms found to occur in the higher vertebrates , VPDPR , VPGPR , and the APGPR form found in humans and chickens .
19 Party leaders should be free to devise programmes designed to appeal to the electorate as a whole , and they should only have to hold themselves vaguely accountable to the people through the direct mechanism of regular general elections .
20 The authorities promised to look into the complaints in order to defuse the situation .
21 First , to the extent that an issue is expressly covered by the Convention it displaces rules of national law that might otherwise apply and thereby renders otiose conflict-of-laws rules designed to lead to the selection of the applicable national law .
22 ‘ It is very disappointing when you think we 've beaten Blackburn , Manchester United , Aston Villa and Liverpool — all clubs tipped to challenge for the title .
23 Both are putting forward major expansion proposals designed to cater for the NorthWest 's rapidly expanding demand for air travel .
24 Unless those eight masked High Masters were sufficiently confident in their associates to try to journey to the next galaxy and back — in some incredible megaship — to take advantage of time-compression !
25 ‘ A couple of blokes tried to go over the wall about a year ago .
26 The result meant that both parties failed to capitalise on the widespread disaffection with the mainstream parties and in particular with the ruling Socialist Party ( PS ) which had been discovered in recent months to have been involved in a number of scandals .
27 The majority of funds tend to come from the banking sector , although commercial bills are also important .
28 Because several tutors failed to keep to the new time table for applications the Board has decided that they will have to revert to the original dates for the Written Examination entries .
29 In a way that is all too typical of both the English Left and the English lesbian and gay movement , Positive Images failed to draw on the parallel developments around local government funding of lesbian and gay projects in the USA .
30 Militia presence was increased in Tashkent on July 2 in expectation of opposition rallies planned to coincide with the opening of the Supreme Soviet session .
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