Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Also , natural fibre such as bran products tend to bind to calcium , making it difficult for the body to use the calcium , making supplements more necessary than ever .
2 The altars are all of c.1680 , with frontals painted to look like brocade .
3 The CIS states agreed to act in concert on food imports from abroad , an agreement which was also signed by Georgia , but again Ukraine demanded the right to negotiate separate food credits for itself .
4 Many towns in the Middle Ages sought to have as part of their local welfare services a Christian recluse whose chief work was prayer and availability to people as spiritual adviser .
5 By this , is meant the failure of large cities to continue to grow in population and indeed , gradually , to lose population .
6 In relation to the association of District Council 's erm proposition , that was a development package , and obviously groups want to meet in time to look at that , so we 'll see if we can find some more information on that one .
7 Michael Howard , Secretary of State for Unemployment , in announcing employment action in Parliament , stated , this Government , have placed policies designed to lead to job creation and they will succeed in the future as they they have succeeded in the past .
8 It is intended in addition that this unit of study should enable teachers to contribute to the formulation of school policies designed to take into account these factors :
9 In real life , we move our heads , and foreground objects appear to move in front of background objects because of parallax .
10 The applicants ' vessels failed to qualify for entry in the new register and they challenged the compatibility of the relevant provisions of the Act of 1988 with Community law by an application for judicial review .
11 In 1967 the Earl of Antrim and a number of other surviving Irish peers sought to set in motion the machinery for a fresh election of 28 of their number , and petitioned the House to this end .
12 It said the ten CIS nations agreed to co-operate on oil and gas production at a meeting of heads of state last month .
13 Many of the early studies of platelet function in diabetic subjects failed to take into account other factors known to influence platelet function , particularly the presence or absence of diabetic vascular complications .
14 4 subjects failed to attend for assessment at 4 weeks although they remained in the study .
15 Polymer solutions tend to fall into category ( iii ) and the non-ideal behaviour can be attributed not only to the existence of a finite heat of mixing but also to the large difference in size between the polymer and solvent molecules .
16 These findings persisted when variables found to correlate with repetition were controlled for across the three groups .
17 In a democratic system political parties expect to alternate in office .
18 Those new pressures have created new and more pressing management problems , particularly with respect to the development of flexibility in organizations designed to deal with stability , and with lower levels of turbulence .
19 In one corner stood a case of stuffed fish whose glassy eyes seemed to gaze with malevolence at the newcomers .
20 The waves seemed to increase in size as we passed the first section of headland , continuing to smash with awesome power to our right , too close to our right !
21 Their excuse — not that lame — is that they frequently have to cater for up to 80,000 , mainly male , football fans wanting to go at half-time .
22 The importance attached to family relationships tends to increase with age .
23 While the principals are required to confer the benefits of the various employment protection laws upon their employees , they themselves are deprived of any such security , and must pay the special tax for self-employed people masquerading as national insurance , in addition to the insurance premiums needed to provide for retirement or illness .
24 During the 1950s , with advances in techniques for detecting 14 C , discrepancies of several centuries began to emerge between radiocarbon ages and historical ages for the Egyptian Old Kingdom .
25 As he did so , his eyes began to widen in astonishment .
26 Slowly her features softened and her eyes began to twinkle with merriment .
27 Instantly an uncontrollable tremor shook his mouth and his legs began to shiver in sympathy .
28 Where conditions of poverty and dependency and harmonious and pervasive personal relationships continue to predominate in agriculture then a source of ambiguity is present in the farm worker 's perceptions of the world around him .
29 The massive increase in the number of GCSE candidates opting to continue in education is being trumpeted by the Tories as a success story .
30 He looked at each of them , his eyes coming to rest on Rain .
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