Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [vb pp] he into " in BNC.

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1 For one thing , his obsession with tactics has led him into an absurd devaluation of the merits and achievements of Peter Beardsley .
2 He had smiled at the frontier guards and kept walking with his rucksack slung over one shoulder … until the hand had clamped on his collar , and the boots had pitched him into a cell .
3 After he 'd been coaxed out of the cart in the yard , three serving women had carried him into the house .
4 The politicians had trapped him into a game played by their rules .
5 The first was just 20 minutes after the polls closed when , during a sample of random live interviews in Manchester , a man with a business on the verge of bankruptcy cheerfully admitted that the Tories had got him into this and he relied on them to get him out .
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