Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is surely to be explained by the paramount corporate and legal sense of identity which the clergy enjoyed and by the institutional roots which convocation had in the church 's own provincial councils ; the assembly of merchants , for example , was nothing like so well established or defined .
2 They tend to advertise in the appropriate specialist hobbies press and through the medium of direct mail .
3 Their eyes met and in the distance a romantic gypsy began playing — Ned knew that from that moment on he could n't live without her !
4 They checked on the possibility that saccadic movements made with the eyes closed , or in the dark , might be slowed , or that the velocity may then be independent of length of saccade , and found that they were not : that is , waking eye movements with eyes closed , or in the dark , are the same as with eyes opened and in the light .
5 The toasts to Gaby , the protestations persisted and in the end the two reeled out of the café arm-in-arm at two in the morning swearing eternal friendship .
6 Overall there was a much more varied selection of entries this year both in regard to the wide assortment of subjects tackled and to the quality of the writing .
7 Greater emphasis should also have been placed on the economic context in which disputes occur and on the state of political consensus — primarily , whether the trade unions are accepted in a ‘ partnership ’ role with the state , or are defined as problematic to its objectives ( Ragin et al , 1982:243 ) .
8 The best place to sample the mouth-watering local dishes is a Gaststätte , a cross between a bar and a restaurant Pavement cafés , bars , beer gardens and jazz clubs abound and in the sunny summer months , Munich 's concert season offers a feast of classical music with concerts in the Residence Schleissheim and the Baroque Nymphenburg Palace .
9 If I could just say one other thing , that is that I 've had a an initial of , of the blocks done and pending the outcome of Woolwich which I expect to get tomorrow erm , if they are backing out then I will be getting a full structural , engineers structural survey within a couple of days , this is the actually meeting plan .
10 A quick in and out after the pubs closed or round the back of the factory .
11 Will the money run out , as it did once before , with the consequential loss not only of the technological advantages gained but of the scientific and technical expertise ?
12 The turnover is not just that of the companies involved but of the groups to which they belong .
13 We would ask the reader to bear in mind from the outset , however , that we write from the viewpoint of the English urban sub-culture , in which we are not only fieldworkers and observers but life members ; nevertheless , we believe that the English and American complexes of parental experience show very many points of coincidence , both historically and contemporaneously , both in the things that parents do and in the reasons for which they do them : and that , therefore , a discussion in these terms will have a validity for parent-child behaviour on both sides of the Atlantic .
14 In the old days the surgeon made an incision in the lower portion of the tummy and reached the enlarged gland that way , but before the coming of antibiotics it was quite common for infections to develop or for the prostate to turn cancerous .
15 These differences are due partly to the different periods covered by the various studies , to the different areas covered and to the importance attached to the indirect effects on employment in the non-manufacturing sector that new jobs in the manufacturing sector have .
16 There were many other primitives to come but by the time they arrived I knew it was just an attempt to revive attention .
17 ‘ Maybe there will be someone to fill Lineker 's shoes in years to come but at the moment the replacements must be given a chance to do it in their own time . ’
18 Conscious that she must make the most of these last weeks , and grateful for all the happiness and love which she had enjoyed in childhood , she was nevertheless eager for the days to pass and for the news to come that João had arrived from Lisbon to collect his bride .
19 Despite this , Marxism continues to grow as a major intellectual force in Western societies , Marxist-inspired political organisations flourish and throughout the world more and more governments fall to communism .
20 What actually happens depends to some extent on the strategies that classes pursue and on the unity with which they organise themselves and seize opportunities to strengthen their positions .
21 Green 's text in these and in his series of black and white pictures of the area was usually restricted to straightforward descriptions of the places portrayed or of the directions to reach them .
22 It took him two weeks to die and for the second of those we spoke together every night by telephone , often for more than an hour .
23 Negative publicity associated with alcohol abuse — eg drunken driving or underage drinking — is directed not only at the individuals involved but at the industry as well .
24 The weeks changed and for the last two days of my stay , I was the only attender .
25 As far as I can discover from replies received or from the 1959 College Register the rest of us , either from choice or to fulfil the conditions of grants or the needs of wartime , became teachers , the length of our service varying accordingly .
26 An extra dimension is added by the practical motivation of the problems considered and by the need to formulate these mathematically .
27 For drama school it is the first taste of things to come and on the whole a good thing .
28 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
29 At the workshop the organisers had managed to unite informed educational opinion throughout Nigeria and to establish a productive working climate in which panels in six areas of the primary school curriculum : cultural and creative art , languages , mathematics , physical and health education , science and social studies met and in the light of the goals set at the 1969 Curriculum Conference expanded and refined objectives in these areas and produced a series of guidelines which have since been used throughout Nigeria at university and state level as a basis for detailed curriculum planning .
30 A number of unexpected things happened and in the middle of it all they had to make a decision about purchasing a property .
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