Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He said he only needed to do two or three locums at these school clinics to see him round the other half of the world and he went off .
2 The animal began to gnaw at the ropes binding her to the altar .
3 I loved it when a whole pile of notes met me in the morning and I did not surface till lunchtime .
4 We might conceive of the aside as occupying a zone midway between the play and the audience ; we continue to experience the play , but we do so via the new information or attitudes given us by the character or characters speaking the asides .
5 How many uplifts should I use , and do I need special adaptors to connect them to the filter ?
6 Data could pop up in boxes around the screen , and in due course graphics , mice and icons led us into the wimps era ( window , icon , menu , pointer ) .
7 Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks .
8 He quotes the view of Aristo , who produces two arguments : first , that by analogy with relegatio dotis and the stipulatio emptae hereditatis the word ‘ sums ’ should be held to include objects as well as money ; second , that intention is particularly important in trusts , and it appears to be the testator 's intention in first speaking generally of ‘ sums ’ and then mentioning certain objects to include them in the expression too .
9 The search for counter-examples led them to the history of the family and of the primitive local community which they saw as kinship based .
10 His son , a bachelor of twenty-five , became King Henry V , and he experienced a couple of attempts to usurp him during the first year , but by August 1415 he was able to sail with an invasion fleet of 1500 vessels to France , where he withstood an attack launched on 25th .
11 Among their recommendations are : the need for regular reports on implementation of the Fifth Action Programme on the environment ; the rapid establishment of the European Environment Agency ; and early ratification of the Climate Change Convention agreed at UNCED , with the development of national strategies to implement it by the end of 1993 .
12 The coronet is shown in loving detail as it embodies the moment when this family of merchants made it to the princely ranks .
13 ‘ I have discovered that the black people I have been working with in the inner cities proposed me for the award .
14 These jobs are usually seen as benefits , certainly by the workers who flock to take them up , and by the governments that have established incentive programmes to attract them in the first place .
15 ‘ Azadi said that I had just twenty-four hours to provide him with the exact location of the ship — or else I would be executed .
16 This reconstruction of Rawls ' argument for the doctrine of neutral political concern attempts to found it on the notion of autonomy through the notion of moral self-determination .
17 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
18 Part of the process of gaining control over our lives involves us in resisting their attempts to box us in the pigeonhole of ‘ client ’ — and to expose their self-styled , self-seeking efforts to elevate their second-hand knowledge about disability into a ‘ profession ’ .
19 They hired dragomans to escort them round the tombs and temples in the shade of parasols .
20 Bloom et al. " s study of how to is acquired in infinitival complement constructions led them to the clear conclusion that " the children learned to with the meaning " " direction towards " " and not as a meaningless syntactic marker " ( 1984 : 391 ) .
21 Bob and I are progressing as a piano/clarsach duo , and of course some of the accompaniments to his songs tax me to the limit , or have to be vetoed altogether .
22 This teacher 's view that the Afro-Caribbean pupils felt obliged to live up to the labels given them by the school was reiterated by other teachers .
23 Inevitably , his steps led him in the end to the Corso , where the evening promenade was in progress .
24 The blue eyes regarded her across the stretch of mahogany desk .
25 ‘ I buy enough marmalade at local fayres to see me through the year .
26 Virgin Atlantic , as the new airline was to be called , would need to become airborne within the next three to four months , to take advantage of the summer traffic and generate the necessary cash reserves to see it through the fallow winter months .
27 He eventually slumps back into his seat , his smarting face and aching eyes reminding him of the misled thought journey that took him back round to before where he started .
28 His team-mates Andre Agassi , Pete Sampras and John McEnroe rushed on court and lifted him on to their shoulders to carry him to the sidelines .
29 Though sometimes , the gentlemen chucked her beneath the chin absently , or gave her a sixpence , and one , even , pushed her for a whole quarter-hour on the swing .
30 A man in rags asked her for the price of a cup of tea .
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