Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The British authorities argued at the time that the way to tackle this problem of falling competitiveness , far from being to allow the pound to devalue , was to maintain a rigid exchange rate for sterling and so through the resulting high interest rates and tight money ‘ to squeeze inflation out of the system ’ .
2 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 . ’
3 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 , ’ ( UX No 375 ) .
4 Unfortunately one was having its innards repaired at the time and another gave up the ghost after operating for all of a second .
5 Instead , as the Financial Times reported at the time , Ford was making more money out of currency trading than it was from selling cars .
6 Interestingly , The Times reported at the time that not enough professional people served on juries , and that manual workers and the unemployed did not ‘ represent a cross section of society ’ made up by juries .
7 This relation was accepted when the non-deglutitive pressure waves occurred in a time window of 15 minutes before the start of phase in the antrum or proximal small bowel .
8 These findings also have important implications for the analysis of prolonged motility recordings in patients with non-cardiac chest pain : repetitive simultaneous pressure waves occurring at the time of an attack of chest pain , do not necessarily indicate that the pain was accompanied by disorders of oesophageal motility , or that such disorders were the cause of the chest pain .
9 First , the increased weight of demands came at a time when the actual problems thrust before government were not only more complex and intractable , but were also more interdependent — solve one ( say , inflation ) and you only caused another ( rising unemployment ) .
10 None of these methods seemed at the time to have any relevance to therapeutics , and the scientists who developed them would have found it very difficult to persuade the distributors of funds for medical research to support them , but without them the practical advances which came later would have been impossible .
11 Social democratic parties have existed in Europe for a century or more ; the Democratic and Republican parties in the US are well over a century old , and indeed have a certain continuity with earlier parties dating from the time of the American Revolution ; conservative parties on a mass basis were created soon after the emergence of social democracy in Europe ; and communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution .
12 Gordon 's interest in vintage cars began during the time he was a traffic division police officer .
13 Only fourteen comprehensive schools existed at the time when Tony Crosland was writing : good grammar schools could not simply be swept away , nor the rights and duties of Local Education Authorities brushed aside .
14 But all instances share one characteristic : the author 's words become for a time the transmitters of other voices , voices that come from inside someone else 's head .
15 Is the existence of a supportive relationship before an event the critical factor , or can new supportive relationships mobilised at the time of the event be effective ?
16 And the model incorporates an adjustable time lag in the volcanic and solar influences to allow for the time it takes the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans to respond to outside influences .
17 He originally planned to earn enough cash selling computers to pay for the time he spent on the race track .
18 In any event , you would do well to strive to avoid the uncertainty of a dispute about the legal effect of words said at a time when tempers flare .
19 This means that it can not be ruled out that new supportive relationships established at the time of a crisis might also sometimes be beneficial .
20 The general idea with pro-formas is that they should be filled in as the procedure progresses in order to qualify as ‘ notes made at the time ’ .
21 Without the adjustment , it had been estimated that the budget deficit would have exceeded L147,000,000 million , which was the level predicted by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in criticisms made at the time of the adoption of the 1990 budget in December 1989 [ see p. 37509 ] .
22 Lijn 's desire to merge or melt the difference between the visual and aural senses came at a time when many artists were wishing to anticipate a more holistic view of art .
23 ’ The word cratch was until recently in common use in Yorkshire for a large basket , and its antiquity is shown by the fact it occurs in a gloss in the Gospels written about the time of the Norman Conquest .
24 Forgetting for a moment the totally illogical premise that Welsh teams get dirtier as they get better , I fail to see what useful purpose was served by raking up old controversies dating from a time when most of the current Welsh team were in primary school .
25 There is then a carefully chosen extract from the writer 's work , followed by a bibliography , which not only includes references to critical responses done at the time of publication but modern reassessments as well .
26 Thus , just as place deixis encodes spatial locations on coordinates anchored to the place of utterance , so time deixis encodes times on co-ordinates anchored to the time of utterance .
27 His achievement was to draw on these two strains , and on the contemporary Elizabethan taste for the kind of ingenious conceits known at the time as ‘ devices ’ to produce a creative synthesis .
28 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
29 The main right-wing opposition party , National Renewal ( RN ) , criticized the description of the political circumstances existing at the time of the coup , but otherwise gave the report a favourable reception , as did the parties of Aylwin 's centre-left government and the mainstream left .
30 Where liability for negligence is excluded by a notice , the reasonableness of the exclusion depends on whether it would be fair and reasonable to allow reliance on the notice having regard to the circumstances existing at the time liability arose , or would have arisen .
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