Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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2 This study is concerned with the way Pakeha ( white ) New Zealanders make sense of race and race related issues , such as the violent protests against the Springbok tour , Polynesian and British immigration , and the position of New Zealand Maoris .
3 It was more closely mapped in the new Regulations for Further Education in 1946 , with Local Education Authorities given responsibility for initiatives in conjunction with the universities and voluntary bodies .
4 In order to give some structure to the discussion , each of the major social services will be examined under three headings : access , i.e. geographical distribution of social services ; use , i.e. the extent to which different groups make use of services ; and outcome , i.e. the benefit derived from the use of services .
5 Radar and some ovens make use of microwaves , which are only a few centimetres or millimetres long .
6 The pact , signed at the end of a conference in the Finnish resort of Rovaniemi , calls for the creation of co-operative programmes to monitor pollution by oil , radiation , heavy metals , organic contaminants , acidification and noise .
7 There have already been more than 50 attempts to extort money from America with nuclear threats , some frighteningly credible .
8 Two sofas placed back to back in the centre of a space can often define the divisions of space very well .
9 The most-quoted passage described the affluent American family taking a weekend outing in its mauve and cerise , air-conditioned , power-steered automobile passing through cities made tawdry by litter , blighted buildings and broken pavements , into the bill-boarded countryside where they picnic on packaged food by a polluted stream and camp out on a filthy parking lot .
10 The field of telecommunications had become politically sensitive since restrictions on simultaneous newspaper and television channel ownership by media groups became law in August 1990 [ see pp. 37510 ; 37624 ] .
11 Even relatively small preferences made year by year by the same committee add up over a decade to a major strategic shift in budget priorities .
12 This concern was based on evidence that procedures available through the courts to enforce compliance with provisions of Part I of the Trade Union Act 1984 were not being used .
13 Remand and convicted prisoners lived side by side .
14 The extent to which individual disciplines make use of libraries in their researches may be expected to vary , but when one sees that some universities spend 50% to 100% per capita more than others , it does suggest that the value placed by university managers on their libraries varies in some highly individualistic ways .
15 Groups please book in advance .
16 Figure 4.3 includes the test results for a pair of groups given pre-exposure to saccharin before being conditioned and tested with milk .
17 In brief , government policies to equalise access to services are more feasible , more politically acceptable and less costly than policies designed to equalise use , let alone outcome , of services .
18 Although enjoying a warm personal relationship with Mr Gorbachev , the American and West German wishes to promote disarmament on NATO short range missiles in 1989 have left her relatively isolated in the changed climate .
19 " Until foreign wages are the same as British wages , any extra demands on British employers mean loss of trade " .
20 Both groups favour investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources .
21 This year Will and his team , under the supervision of Dr Jim Fowler , are fixing radio transmitters to the feathers of a number of individual birds to monitor behaviour by radio-tracking .
22 If the present set of essays exhibits independence of mind , this is no less than she would wish or expect .
23 The EcoSystems products provide functionality for configuration management , performance management , fault management , capacity planning , automated operations and management reporting , and support Unix servers with Unix , MS-DOS or terminal clients .
24 • Pethidine — usually given as an injection , it takes about 10–20 minutes to provide relief from pain .
25 Flexible working is now ubiquitous — 88 per cent of all operators report flexibility within grades and over 80 per cent across grades .
26 The Iranian policies that frighten its neighbours and the wider world are said to include the promotion of international terrorism , attempts to obstruct peace between Israel and the Arabs and a burning ambition to acquire long-range missiles and weapons of mass destruction .
27 The first of these Tracking and Data Relay Satellites entered orbit on board a space shuttle earlier this week , but later ran into trouble when its second booster failed .
28 Western attempts to meet force with force led to China 's declaration of war on the foreign powers the following day .
29 Dipper birds provide indicator of acid rain
30 Attempts to exclude liability for negligence are governed by s. 2 .
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