Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [noun sg] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A group of publishers and journalists from 38 African countries has called on the United Nations to declare censorship a grave violation of human rights and has asked African governments to free journalists who have been jailed for their professional activities .
2 This has led some authors to make Sivapithecus a human ancestor , and others to recognize the affinities of these fossil genera with the orang-utan but provide evidence linking the orang clade with humans .
3 The difference between the situation of such characters and the readers and that of the remaining characters within the fabliaux makes irony a typical feature of the experience of reading a fabliau .
4 As some kidney cancers cause hypertension an increased frequency of kidney cancer is to be expected in a hypertension clinic .
5 Milongo went into hiding , but emerged on Jan. 21 after the troops opened fire the previous day on about 2,000 people demonstrating in support of him , killing five .
6 The first comparisons presented concern the overall differences in the types of environment included in the study .
7 The government 's annual Social Trends figures show sport the only serious rival to TV among the young , and gardening and DIY among the middle-aged ( especially men ) .
8 It is only too evident that the scribes considered gentility the only status worth recording , and even in this they were not consistent ; civic dignity was almost invariably ignored .
9 As the moving convection cell carries basaltic crust away from the ridge , slowly but continuously , the magnetic reversals taking place every few hundred thousand years or so leave their imprints on the newly-formed rocks emerging from the ridge ; as every reversal occurs , so it is recorded in the formation of reversely-magnetized strips on each side of the ridge .
10 On May 24 the protesters took hostage the French consul-general and 10 oil company employees , apparently in an attempt to obtain French support for their demands .
11 For sure he takes pains to make Tikhon a human puzzle so that he sha n't in any obvious way speak God 's truth .
12 Those who want to preserve the British coal industry point to the irony of the situation : just as technology is finding ways to make coal a cheaper , cleaner source of energy , British pits are closing down .
13 Among operators taking part the Irish area will be ably ( and most appropriately ! ) represented by Mike ( EI5DJ ) North Dublin and David ( GI0PCU ) Co Down , who will travel across on Wednesday next .
14 Those discussions took place the same day in G-5 Section at AFHQ , reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer Gen Robertson , on the subject of " Disposal of Displaced Persons etc in N Italy and Austria " [ KP 222 ] .
15 Their adventures made life no easier for her .
16 This was in a state of semi-continuous eruption , with minor explosions taking place every five or ten minutes , showering fragments of pumice 200 metres into the air , and occasionally revealing the cherry-red glow of liquid lava in the crater , while all the while a great banner of steam rose 3,000 metres into the air .
17 We had timed our arrival well as the local Highland Games took place the next day .
18 Although only a little more than one-third of the farms grew silage the 820 ha grown was similar in amount to that cut for hay .
19 Out of the newly desperate and ruined petit bourgeois , and those faced with crushing poverty on the dole , Le Pen , the Lombard League and the German neo-Nazis have refound the classic base of racism and fascism .
20 The importance of their being formed at random can not be overemphasized ; control groups start life the same as experimental groups in all respects simply by virtue of having been formed at random .
21 The measures became law the following year .
22 Technical harmonisation and standards developing standardisation the European level covering a wide range of products .
23 All this rules out any causative connection between biography and literature , but there are cases where the Formalists allow biography a legitimate literary function .
24 He justifies this implicit raising of the required standard partly in order to encourage pupils to continue caring about geography lessons ( as opposed to reading the newspapers ) and partly because it would be unfair to give pupils taking geography a better chance of reaching university than pupils taking , say , physics under the war-time difficulties caused by shortage of laboratories and physics teachers .
25 And what happened in eighty three and eighty seven of course was that the local elections take place the Conservative party managers analyzed the results , fed them through the computers and you could come up with the fact that you would , looked like you were set to win a general election .
26 The election of the two wardens takes place every two years , on or near the Feast of the Beheading of St John the Baptist in August , in the old school room .
27 Stocking on some fen commons took place no earlier than old May Day , to ensure against overgrazing .
28 Initially there are eight permutations — individual peace and love of collecting stamps makes lack an introverted Boy , whereas social peace and erotic love makes what the Hippies meant by Peace and Love in the first place .
29 New Zealand lambs and dairy cows grow fat the old-fashioned way , by grazing in sunny meadows , not by munching bags of feed full of additives or wandering about on pastures drenched in chemical fertilisers , as their European and American cousins do .
30 And not only are there two other tour events taking place the same week but also the ECC special event in Antwerp .
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