Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His coat and waistcoat swiftly followed it and his fingers ripped away the neckcloth about his throat , heedless of the ruin they effected .
2 Impromptu discussion groups formed whenever a man sat outside his house .
3 The so-called modern values bring about a convergence of culture through improved mass communications , the elites of Third World countries come to share the same culture as those in the industrialised world .
4 It took me two hours to paint out the damage that Sweetman had caused to our hull .
5 Attempts to accommodate both a sensitivity to difference and a commitment to the universalistic claims of post-Enlightenment liberalism became increasingly convoluted and forlorn .
6 The commission has responsibility for appointing auditors for local authorities using either the District Auditor service or auditors from the private sector .
7 The cash-and-carry transactions used to determine the CTD bond for a given futures price can also be used to determine the fair price of the futures contract once the price of the CTD bond is known .
8 The sketch for the Upper Pond , part of Brown 's great natural parkland at Petworth , was discovered in the Petworth archives some years ago but the backlog of work on the estate and the disastrous storm of 1987 which destroyed thousands of trees delayed plans to carry out the design .
9 If you have any views pick up the phone and call me now .
10 In both cases too , those private choices in some cases bring about the tragedy of the commons ( Hardin 1972 ) .
11 Some theorize that income distribution is mainly a result of government action ( wage policy , taxation , etc. ) while per capita income is mainly a result of transnational forces ( for example , the price that exports bring on the world market ) .
12 ‘ By this time I had waited about 15 minutes hanging on the phone and the clerk had not confirmed any booking . ’
13 Sometimes it is possible to decide what particular activities bring on an attack of giddiness .
14 The Norman Towers — Entering through these it is easy to imagine the Knights of the Middle Ages setting off for battle , banners flying and a host of bowmen and falconers bringing up the rear .
15 Excitement mounted ; in her memoirs Princess Marie Louise quotes Sir Edwin Lutyens as saying , ‘ Let us devise and design for all time something which will enable future generations to see how a king and queen of England lived in the twentieth century , and what authors , artists and craftsmen of note there were during their reign . ’
16 With singer Bradley acting out his Mozzer fantasies by lurching around on top of the monitors — only lacking a bunch of daffs stuffed down the back of his pants — their arrogance level has been hoisted a welcome couple of notches .
17 Both the bid for Channel Five and plans for the new Teleport to be operated at South Gyle , carrying signals for both Television and Telecommunications via satellite , cable and fibre optic lines , are well advanced and require the continued integration of technologies to carry on the task of promoting Edinburgh as a centre of excellence in the new media .
18 When I do that , it 's like summat inside of me is pulled out and streaks back up the street , under all the lights , right round the corner to where I ca n't see .
19 Personnel to carry out the Quality Auditor role are currently being identified : it is intended that they will be trained to IQA Lead Assessor standards .
20 And where they are legal , the operations require sophisticated equipment and highly-trained personnel to carry out the switch within 24 hours .
21 I am not sure about the precise details , but I do believe than when Great-Grandfather Tallentire became old and decided to retire he refused to allow his sons to carry on the licence .
22 She hesitated momentarily before she said , ‘ I hope it will be someone with sons to carry on the property .
23 Orwell in his notes offers only the ghost of an answer when he remarks that Waugh 's loyalty was to a form of society no longer viable , ‘ of which he must be aware ’ .
24 The approach allows researchers to see how the diversity — still large and exciting — came to be , rather than simply marvelling at it .
25 In this way , these researchers built up a picture of life styles in Chicago at that time , especially those of certain deviant groups such as hoboes and gang-members .
26 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
27 Science is a collective enterprise ; over time , researchers build up a body of wisdom which tells them which are the important variables to include when modelling a particular process , and which must be controlled .
28 ( Zhores Medvedev 's attempts to spell out the injury thus caused to scientific-technical advance landed him in a mental hospital . )
29 She ate dinner alone before a fire made of driftwood that sent salty blue flames leaping up the chimney .
30 my three wishes sucked up a chimney of flame .
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