Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The contract came to grief and the projects passed briefly through another restoration house , then into the Tallichet storage facility in Chino , California .
2 a record of the activities undertaken along with any results and conclusions ;
3 A detailed study of 9 communes in the Monts Domes area of the Puy-de-Dome department ( all LFA ) showed that the utilised agricultural land increased from 9,369 hectares it , 1970 to 10 , 169 hectares in 1980 ( an 8% rise ) , probably for the same reasons given above in this mountainous part of the Auvergne .
4 Ankles remain together at all times and feet should be over the knees .
5 Can you clearly , cogently and correctly define and present the copyright and Intellectual Property issues involved in the activities listed below to senior colleagues and to your directors , or to your clients if you work freelance or in an agency ?
6 in conformity with any rules agreed unanimously in that respect by the Parties , or
7 Warples ' ( 1980 ) adaptation of the Lopatin ( 1971 ) method of calculating source rock maturity , though open to theoretical objections , gives results which in many cases accord well with observed hydrocarbon occurrences , and has provided the petroleum geologist with a ready rule-of-thumb means of taking the time factor into account .
8 When he died they found seven thousand pounds in notes hidden away in different places all over his cottage … ’
9 If he could root back through the maze of moment and incident , would he find premonitory signs sticking out like dire figurations of chicken entrails ?
10 Decorating your Christmas tree with chains made up of red chillies is just one of the original ideas in the company 's seasonal title Malcolm Hillier 's Christmas ( Price : £12.99 ) .
11 The bus rocked and skidded to a halt ; a horse-drawn delivery van close behind them swerved violently — the horse reared , its front hooves lashing wildly in thin air — someone screamed , the frightened horse whinnied and plunged and Mabel , struck down by flying hooves , lay motionless upon the roadway as one wheel of the van ran over her breast , and her life 's blood dribbled away into the gutter .
12 Mr Ashford said the exams harked back to those of the 1950s when memory was all that mattered and certain sections of right-wing politicians were totally committed to them .
13 Peak numbers are fairly consistently present in January and early February ; numbers in December are often quite low , and the birds disperse rapidly in late February and March .
14 The Grandes Marques lose out to cheaper champagne
15 IMMATURE SOILS have indistinct or weakly developed horizons , generally restricted to surface organic horizons or A horizons resting directly on little-altered parent material or rock .
16 We had to answer technical questions put forward by the new investigating judge , Dr Rosario Priore and his appointed Commission of experts made up of 10 Italian , British , German and Swedish avionics and radar experts , ’ says Steve .
17 This forecast rate of increase simply did not materialize , and once again British cities got by with incremental adjustments , while an accelerated process of decentralization helped to transfer traffic flows from the centre to a series of nodes within the city region .
18 The programmatic essays " L'Ennemi public numero 1 " ( 1935 ) , a sustained defence of all those members of the French teaching profession persecuted by an oppressive bourgeois state for their involvement in the anti-fascist struggle , " and " Sur l'humanisme " ( 1935 ) , a declaration of faith in the humanist values shared only by those involved in the struggle against fascism , both bear the imprint of a co-operative , popular front frame of mind .
19 For hours he would sit by the window , and look out on the empty , Sunday street , as the church bells tolled dismally from different points in the town .
20 If people accept that they are governed not only by explicit rules laid down in past political decisions but by whatever other standards flow from the principles these decisions assume , then the set of recognized public standards can expand and contract organically , as people become more sophisticated in sensing and exploring what these principles require in new circumstances , without the need for detailed legislation or adjudication on each possible point of conflict .
21 The commercial department of the Central Authority was staffed at the top by three ex-CEB men who had been experts in the complex bulk tariff rules laid down in 1926 to secure equity between independent undertakings : a job which no longer existed .
22 A classical ballet has a style of dance based on certain accepted principles and rules laid down by french , Russian , Danish , Italian and more recent schools .
23 Many of the rules laid down by this syndicat in 1904 were later taken as the basic framework around which the AOC regulations for Champagne were formulated in 1927 .
24 Garages cash in on chipped windscreens
25 Early neolithic farmers favoured multistrand crescentic necklaces made up of tubular and disc-shaped beads kept apart by laterally perforated oblong spacer beads and pulled together by triangular toggles .
26 Furthermore , in vitro binding analyses demonstrated that the mutations interfered directly with CytR-DNA interactions whereas binding of cAMP-CRP remained unchanged .
27 They were ably supported by the Corradini Ensemble and the University Singers , two groups made up of current students .
28 This review is done every year and leads to the publication of a Programme of Work and to the setting up of module development groups made up of industrial , commercial and education representatives .
29 The EC does not believe that recognition will be a panacea for Bosnia , the tinderbox of the First World War and a patchwork of warring groups made up of 60 per cent Muslims , 30 per cent Serbs and 20 per cent Croats .
30 Entities zoom around in simulated three-dimensional space , colliding with each other , shooting each other down , swallowing each other amid revolting noises .
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