Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , it was felt that unless the attitudes of advisers and information-givers became more positive towards integration , none of the recommendations could be effective .
2 None the less those who engaged in frequent political discussions became particularly aware of the Conservative Party 's stress on defence .
3 The elevator loads remain almost constant at all speeds and are so low that any jerky movement may result in very high ‘ g ’ loadings .
4 German and Swiss lead managers were dominant between 1975 – 79 , but US houses became increasingly important during the 1980s , and by 1984 – 85 three US houses and the US/Swiss CSFB were included in the first five .
5 It was much later on in my thirties and on one occasion even later than that , when I met two men who at different times became very special to me .
6 But as times became more difficult with the passing years I suppose she had neither the time nor the inclination to play music .
7 However , prisoners remain heavily dependent on what visitors bring in for them , as the prison budget allows about US 10 cents a day per person .
8 TWO ponies became so amorous in their horse box that they sent it plunging off a road and down a bank near Islip , Oxon , yesterday .
9 Lesbian and gay trade union groups became increasingly common from 1974 onwards , and the Gay Rights At Work campaign played a prominent part in a number of defence campaigns for dismissed workers .
10 After Bronze Age times , British groups became more heterogeneous with each successive invasion , and although some skull ‘ types ’ or ‘ forms ’ often predominate in a series , morphological distinctions between populations must rely even more on statistical analyses of measurements .
11 But the mines became increasingly unprofitable despite efforts to improve them , and in course of time they were " farmed out " to Emanuel and Daniel , both sons of old Höchstetter .
12 I have my eye on the subject ; the hon. Lady 's point is well taken and , in so far as I have control over these matters , I shall make certain that local authorities concentrate as much of their resources on local sport and recreation provision as they should .
13 Although death-squad activities became less widespread during the period of President Duarte 's government in the mid-1980s , they did not cease entirely .
14 Teeth flashing very white in his mahogany , sweat-beaded face , he ran lightly over to talk to the band and Tara came barefoot over to their table .
15 The abundant records and maps of post-medieval and modern times mean that much of the estate structure for these periods can be seen in great detail .
16 Arthropods make up three-quarters of all known present day animal species .
17 Nevertheless , advocacy of focusing on issues rather than institutions became more insistent with the development of the Politics Association and its offspring the Political Education Project under the direction of Bernard Crick .
18 I have been trying to draw attention away from the great cities , which were quite uncharacteristic of the scene in our centuries , and to focus on the small or middling sort ; and here we meet the doctrine so brilliantly established in recent decades by Philip Jones : that the Italian cities were essentially market towns in origin , in which nobles and knights and farmers and peasants had a common interest ; very often the knights lived as much in the towns as in their country fortresses or castles .
19 The stranger to calligraphy may be struck by the fact that none of these cards displays the florid illumination characteristic of the 15th century Books of Hours made so familiar to us by countless commercial reproductions on christmas cards advertised widely in small format ‘ gift ’ catalogues .
20 Joseph Larson , chairman of the National Wetlands Technical Council , claimed that new rules mean that much of the Florida Everglades , Virginia 's Great Dismal Swamp and the prairie potholes in the Great Plains will no longer be officially recognized as wetlands .
21 This is why current affairs programmes concentrate so much on doom and gloom , even away from the big stories of the day .
22 The political and social infrastructure for the perpetration of overtly racist acts goes back hundreds of years of course ; but events immediately preceding the sixties laid the foundations for those excesses by the way ‘ race ’ became politicised .
23 The second meant that local authorities became heavily involved in researching into the numbers of disabled and attempting to assess their needs , and the public became much more aware of the whole problem of disability .
24 Indeed , in so far as the law represents the embodiment of those rules deemed so important by society as to warrant setting them out formally with appropriate sanctions for non-observance , legal principles are the most important regulators of doctors ' decisions .
25 Whereas contemporary French Catholic institutions devoted only one-sixth of their curriculum to what might be termed science , Ramus allocated a half , praising the value of the mechanical arts .
26 Consequently , it was felt that while this had not so far been excessive , we needed to keep it under very careful scrutiny to prevent our increasing requests becoming unnecessarily burdensome for the visitors .
27 The very idea of ‘ disciplinary cultures ’ is itself problematic , involving as it does not one but two rather elusive concepts ; and many disciplines appear less homogeneous to insiders than they look from the outside .
28 ( It is , by the way , exactly the implicit reference to an extraction set that distinguishes English superlatives from forms considered broadly equivalent in some other languages , for instance those designated by the same term " superlative " in Latin . )
29 In Greece in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. , before the Macedonian conquest , in the golden classical age , richly documented , we contemplate federations and empires of cities grouped under one of their greater neighbours , Athens , Sparta , Thebes or another .
30 If they make Æthelred 's activities appear considerably rosier to us than they did to contemporaries , this at least does something to explain how the king in whose name these high-sounding utterances were issued could be charged by his subjects in 1014 with hateful practices and injustice .
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