Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] more [subord] " in BNC.

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1 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
2 British equities account for more than half of the assets of British funds ; foreign equities are a further 20% .
3 Arguments then ensued as to who allowed other speakers to continue for more than their allotted time .
4 However , as has been said , relationships depend upon more than legal provisions .
5 To the untrained eye , pretty pictures count for more than interesting spectra ; neither are they without scientific interest .
6 By 1973 , the overseas offices accounted for more than half of the fee income , but the firm found itself poorly represented in the USA with only two of its nine branches established there .
7 Some 121 countries may be designated ‘ developing ’ and of this 121 , 17 countries account for more than four-fifths of energy consumption .
8 Implicitly , they have accepted many of the criticisms made for more than a decade by Labour councils and civil libertarians : that a force which has dug itself in behind ramparts of elitist isolationism must begin to respond to demands of the public it serves and their political representatives .
9 And the sea 's greatest known depth of 36,200 feet exceeds by more than a mile the height of Mount Everest .
10 The next decade will see a somewhat different trend emerging as demographic changes result in the number of school leavers declining by more than one-third .
11 In about 13% of schools , the money contributed by parents amounts to more than the schools ' official funding from their LEAs .
12 Suppose we get 204 , giving herd B ; the second of the systematic sample will be 204 + 293 = 497 which gives herd F. By this means we always obtain two different primaries unless one of the primaries accounts for more than half the secondaries , in which case that primary has to appear at least once .
13 It may be that , in practice , the norms and practices of the various CNAA subject boards count for more than such general sentiments .
14 Thus quantified , the environmental cost of oil comes to 5.56p per kilowatt-hour ( kWh ) , with corrosion and damage to buildings accounting for more than half the total and damage to crops from pollution for just under a fifth ; " old " coal burned in conventional power stations without emission controls has a cost of 5.00p/kWh ; " new " coal 1.18p/kWh ; combined heat and power ( CHP ) stations 0.45p/kWh ; nuclear pressurized-water reactors ( PWR ) between 0.32p and 0.37p/kWh ( not including effects on plants and animals ) ; and solar , wind and hydroelectric power between 0.04 and 0.07p/kWh ( not including visual impact or disruption caused by construction of dams , etc ) .
15 Table 5.2 shows that over the period 1971 to 1988 the number employing 1,000 or more workers fell by more than half to leave less than 500 such factories in the whole country .
16 Between 1982 — when Mexico threatened default — and the end of 1985 , the dividends declared by the big nine banks increased by more than a third .
17 This most frequently involved the use of ceilings : banks being told not to allow advances to expand by more than a certain percentage compared with the previous year .
18 In a report on biodiversity , entitled Bringing Rio Home : Biodiversity in our Food and Farming , SAFE shows that in 1992 three varieties accounted for more than half of all the seed sown of winter wheat , spring wheat , barley , oats , rye , sugar beet and rapeseed ; the highest proportions were for spring wheat ( 86 per cent ) and oats ( 77 per cent ) .
19 Publishing costs accounted for more than Sh.3,000,000/ — per annum , whereas revenue amounted to only just over Sh.1,000,000/ — .
20 And house burglaries and car thefts account for more than half all crimes reported .
21 Some goods rose by more than this average percentage .
22 Last year its earnings rose by more than half , to £664 million , making a large contribution to the balance of payments .
23 Although the state retirement pension remains linked to prices and , subject to the proviso noted above , retains its ‘ real ’ value , the commitment to raise pensions in line with earnings ( in years when earnings rose by more than prices ) was abolished in 1980 .
24 Such comparison can not justify that performance — nothing can justify leaving 20,000 properties empty for more than a year .
25 The environs of the waterfall are pleasant enough and there is no suspicion of the Peril 's dark secret unless a small opening under the overhang of the cliff alongside is noticed : this insignificant hole admits to the largest cave system in the valley , underground passages extending for more than half a mile below and far beyond the road in a succession of tight crawls and large caverns .
26 In a book published last year by the Royal Institute of International Affairs , ‘ Global Companies and Public Policy ’ , DeAnne Julius estimated that trade between firms and their overseas affiliates accounts for more than half of all trade between OECD countries .
27 Ten years later the 50% State-owned Gasunie announced that , with exports running at more than half of production , it was time to call a halt and all new export contracts were stopped .
28 Even the Japanese are not immune , with Fujitsu and Toshiba both reporting profits slashed by more than half .
29 In 1901 , General Manager Sir Frederick Harrison ordered that all trains loaded to more than ‘ equal 17 ’ must be provided with a pilot engine .
30 What young mothers suffer from more than almost anything else is having constant responsibility for their children .
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