Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 Certain shareholders sold their shares to a take-over bidder , received the purchase price and gave him irrevocable proxies to vote on their behalf , but , in the light of the articles , transfers were not to be lodged for registration .
2 Its growth , therefore , does not come about by territorial gains , but by individuals and groups submitting their wills to that of their Heavenly King .
3 J. N. M. Smith put out pastry ‘ caterpillars ’ for thrushes , and watched how the birds adjusted their movements to the arrangement of prey .
4 In the capital the police told employers to work their men to the point of exhaustion the day before the terms were to be made known in order to leave them too weary to protest .
5 This time around , the national spotlight is far less intense , leaving the candidates to peddle their messages to the local electorate without the big boys to lend a hand .
6 The wife spent her time running one of the hotels , while the husband and his brothers devoted their skills to property speculation with considerable success .
7 Planks laid over the flattened rushes restrict your movements to a great extent , for any small , sudden movement is greatly exaggerated by the planks over the unstable , boggy ground .
8 At times when the winds obliged , Torbay smacks sailed their catches to Portsmouth for a shorter van-haul to the capital .
9 He must be at least six feet two , she decided confusedly , wondering why those blue eyes turned her legs to jelly so quickly .
10 The Commission may make its approval of a merger subject to specified conditions and obligations designed to safeguard effective competition , and it is able to clear a merger if the parties modify their proposals to its satisfaction .
11 Because of the in-house nature of separatism , we saw the conferences as opportunities to disseminate our beliefs to huge numbers of women .
12 We have agreed a letter from all the Darlington dentists to express our views to our patients . ’
13 But , hysteria apart , these trips opened my eyes to a new world of music and beauty , of which there had n't , of necessity , been a great deal during the last six years .
14 With the decline in the herring fishing , followed by a complete ban on all herring catching in an endeavour to build up stocks again , the pelagic catchers turned their attentions to mackerel which hitherto had been despised as food in the North of Scotland .
15 In 1858 the committee started preparing a primary education statute , but between 1859 and 1862 the most striking development in respect of primary schools owed its origins to private individuals .
16 Their husbands brought their cars to the rally which is being held at the former car-plant at Dunmurry this weekend .
17 Politicians make threats , and some husbands forbid their wives to be involved .
18 Justifiably defined as romantic adventures , the two books follow their quest-plots to very different conclusions , but each is a poet 's novel , with the pursuit of ideal beauty as the ultimate goal and with the chivalrous service of a man for a woman as its motive force .
19 The same pressures — the sharpening of international trade competition , a growing fear of being left behind by more enterprising or better-organised rivals — underlay the efforts increasingly made by foreign offices to adapt their structures to a new situation .
20 MOST LARGE PRODUCERS have their own presshouses conveniently situated in the vineyards , otherwise growers take their grapes to co-operative presshouses or perhaps make private arrangements with other producers .
21 … and then we always have a time when the kids perform their pieces to one another , so first of all we as teachers can observe what is going on , and feed in comments to them if they need any technical help in terms of how to play musical instruments , etc …
22 ‘ The Post Office could give no explanation other than the fact that the other parties address their leaflets to individual households , while we did not . ’
23 The decree allowed enterprises and institutions to sell their vehicles to private citizens through state retail outlets .
24 The ability of an offeror under CA 1985 , s429 to require dissenting minority shareholders to sell their shares to it once it has obtained 90 per cent or more of the shares of the target company for which the offer was made .
25 Does the hon. Gentleman accept that in my constituency there has been no major industry since 1979 , except for last year when two British companies sold their businesses to the Taiwanese ?
26 Most parents expect their children to be clean by the age of 2½ years , but 16 per cent of 3-year-olds still show signs of faecal incontinence once a week or more .
27 Some parents moved their children to rural areas to avoid the disruption and continue their schooling .
28 Some Hindu parents send their children to special classes , in addition to their normal schooling .
29 Surely in the next Honours List its services to the nation should be acknowledged .
30 The two Comrades put their signatures to a scroll which was then placed in a stainless steel tube and sealed into the concrete foundations of what was intended to become a new conference complex .
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