Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the handling of the union 's finances , Wilson 's enemies attacked him with equal vituperation .
2 In line with the preference for heuristic pedagogies associated with RBL and a child-centred progressive ideology , all the proposals concerned themselves with information-handling skills of one sort or another .
3 In both of the novels a heroine is involved for committing herself to do something important enough only as itself for example , Elizabeth Bennet walks three fatiguing miles to Netherfield to pay a visit to her ill sister ; Fanny Price opposes her cousins ' attempts to include her in amateur theatricals .
4 Burrows and Hunter 's general conclusion is that " from the views given us by local authorities the 1988 Housing Act 's strengthening of the anti-harassment laws have made prosecutions slightly easier for local authorities but , in practice , there is often a failure to prosecute for a range of non-legal reasons " ( p. 41 ) .
5 So when the station came clean , they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias .
6 Her lack of caution led the trackers to sting her with rubber bullets , and since the summer , she has been much more shy .
7 Suddenly , as his hands closed over her breasts , she realised that the black lace jacket of her suit was somehow unbuttoned and he was tugging down the lacy bra cups , whispering hotly against her naked throat , and as his head moved lower and his mouth closed hotly over her erect nipples she twisted beneath him , moaning , clutching his dark head as she felt his teeth graze her with agonising pleasure .
8 Wallace 's attempts to establish himself at United have been hindered by the player 's desperation to become a Stretford End hero as Fergie explained : ‘ He tried too hard to make himself popular .
9 At one time , people thought that birds transformed themselves into other creatures during the winter .
10 Yet there is also a less determinate area , in which artists devoted themselves to religious art not only , and sometimes not primarily , because this was the willed commission of their Immediate patron , but because they could identify themselves with the religious purpose of which the immediate social organization was the available manifest form .
11 Thereafter he quickly became its most renowned liberal member , leading some opponents to accuse him of judicial activism .
12 In 1707 , for example , when one of the Duke of Montrose 's associates found himself in legal difficulties , he begged for his chiefs intervention , pointing out that ‘ my pursuer is laterlie marryed to a near relative of the Justice Clerks and My Lord Arnistons , which makes it more necessar Your Gr[ace] should interest your self to take it away by arbitratione ’ .
13 However , high interest rates in 1989 and 1990 brought about a sharp reduction in sales , and some of those who had already bought their houses found themselves in financial difficulty .
14 His evidence was to help place Mrs Dyer on the scaffold , as was his wife Polly 's , who testified that her mother had at times visited her with various small children who seemed to disappear overnight .
15 Dulwich inevitably suffers from its geographical situation four miles south of central London , and currently lacks any surplus funds to promote itself through increased advertising .
16 ‘ The city is too easily stereotyped as a bleak and industrial wasteland full of flat-capped frustrated poets and musos consoling themselves with endless amounts of ale .
17 Driving or walking around the sculpture will be like turning a model in space — the apparent contradictions transforming themselves into new realities .
18 The eyes lanced hers with swift rage and her pulses raced .
19 High-speed lifts land you on manicured pistes after well-disciplined and good-tempered queueing : ‘ After you .
20 He argues that his work is not Edwardian in projection , that his pictures borrow something from other eras , but have a buoyant vitality that is of their own time .
21 Their shells provide them with valuable protection but like all armoured species they are at certain disadvantages — they are nearly always less mobile , less flexible , and suffer the consequences .
22 The teacher 's function is to decide what these chains are to be and to take steps to establish them as permanent ways of responding .
23 The qualitative methods provide them with feminist validity , while the quantitative methods ensure the reliability which psychology values .
24 Forest Goblins decorate themselves with colourful feathers , often sticking the quills directly into their skin as Goblins feel little pain .
25 Once the original cease-fire had been put into effect in 1988 , both parties found themselves with immense tasks of reconstruction to contend with and little , apart from their battered oil-export systems , with which to finance them .
26 Despite the principle of ‘ unity of command ’ , the recommendations submitted by the political officer on fitness and promotion through the Directorate 's confidential channels provide him with real prerogatives over the ‘ real ’ officers who surround him .
27 In 1974 23% of teenagers described themselves as daily smokers .
28 Grammar schools separated themselves from Public Schools ( although , more accurately , it was of course the other way round ) by embedding themselves in the local provision for secondary education .
29 The hooded eyes surveyed her with frank appreciation mingled with amusement .
30 The next step , which only the most well-off men such as restaurant owners can afford , is keeping this wife in semi-purdah — in other words sentencing her to solitary confinement .
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