Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 During the twentieth century more houses became tied with the decline of the landlord — tenant system in farming and its replacement by owner-occupation , and since the Second World War the chronic shortage of housing in rural areas has increased the importance of tied cottages still further .
2 In return the states agreed to co-operate with the federal government in reducing duplication of health and welfare services , cutting losses in state-owned businesses , co-ordinating infrastructure spending , and harmonizing regulations in areas such as environmental protection and professional qualifications .
3 several Journalism students formed part of the reporting team of Summit Radio , a week-long project of topical , cultural and current affairs radio programmes timed to coincide with the Edinburgh Summit in November 1992 ;
4 Militia presence was increased in Tashkent on July 2 in expectation of opposition rallies planned to coincide with the opening of the Supreme Soviet session .
5 Before the fascinating high-fibre research findings it was assumed that weight loss depended entirely on the number of calories consumed compared with the number expended by the body .
6 The adverse consequences of such loose rein appointment procedures were not lost on one White House aide who served both Nixon and Reagan During the transition the Reagan forces took a number of steps designed to deal with the sort of problems over appointments that Nixon had encountered .
7 This growing discontent has been symbolized by Koreans refusing to comply with the stipulation that all aliens resident in Japan for any length of time have to be re-registered as aliens and fingerprinted at regular intervals , and carry alien registration cards with them at all times .
8 Primary schools seem to manage with the term ‘ classroom teacher ’ and their cross-curricular approach may have much to offer the secondary curriculum .
9 Case 2b — where none of the candidate words seem to fit with the syntactic processing of the sentence .
10 Another area of major concern to the police and the judiciary is drug smuggling and the methods used to deal with the huge profits it generates .
11 Nor should it prevent the Library Association exercisng some influence on local government and other organizations disposed to interfere with the right of access to legally permissible literature ; nor should it prevent the Library Association exerting some influence on national government which is disposed to censor .
12 Little shooting beams of light played over the scene of the sea and the crates of bananas as her lowered eyes struggled to cope with the brightness of the sun that had entered them .
13 The sizes of the partially protected fragments appeared to match with the length of the probe used and the region of divergence at the 25kDa/50kDa junction .
14 Walker 's images do reverberate with the classical and much of this is due to her ‘ expressive ’ use of figures in careful poses to create harmonious compositions , which makes us think of Hellenistic relief work as well as Renaissance paintings .
15 What will happen if schools fail to comply with the recommendations remains to be seen — so far introduction of reviews has resulted in substantial voluntary initiatives for change in all Dutch medical schools .
16 Switch off appliances such as washing machines and cookers at the socket after use — if kids do fiddle with the knobs , they ca n't turn the machines on .
17 Under its terms , Communist or " front " organizations had to register with the Attorney-General ; their members were banned from employment in defence plants , and prevented from obtaining passports ; and no foreigner who had been a member of the Communist Party could enter the USA .
18 But it was music and shapes trying to move with the music .
19 Before 1945 Korean Marxists had cooperated with the Soviet Union from bases in Soviet far eastern territories and had worked with the Chinese communists at Yenan .
20 ‘ Cynics say — cynics have already said — when your preaching is done , when your lofty words have gone with the wind , when the media has departed to tell another tale , the world will forget .
21 Reports indicate that plug-fouling was a constant problem and was attributed to the lower power settings required to work with the helicopter cameraship .
22 The first public taxonomic databases have experimented with the handling of alternative taxonomies ( as in the US Nature Conservancy 's taxonomic inventory with local variants ) , with attaching biological data in such a way that it can be refreshed for subsequent taxonomic changes ( for example , ILDIS/Chapman and Hall Leguminosae phytochemical database ) , and with the use of images ( such as The Plant Fossil Record ) .
23 Since these parameters have to do with the FMS drivers , checking and setting them is described in Appendix D , FMS Drivers .
24 If the provinces refuse to co-operate with the federal government , or decide to resign en masse , the president could say that government had broken down and he had grounds for sending Mr Sharif packing all over again .
25 A few teenagers refused to leave with the others , but after about ten minutes they joined the crowd in Guildhall Square where the recently revived DUAC was holding a teach-in .
26 Nocturnal animals have to cope with the same difficulty , and many creatures have developed ways of gathering the maximum amount of light .
27 Journalists tended to march with the gays in spirit , believing that they had a case and were an important constituency ( as they are ) for the Democratic Party .
28 The packing made no difference to the market value , but the Court of Appeal held that the tins failed to comply with the description and could be rejected .
29 For more than a week , a group of grey-suited former communists has played with the nation 's future with an irresponsibility and spite that would be risible were it not so dangerous .
30 One set of aspirations has to do with the development of new forms of service for clients and their carers or families ; another with the direct provision of services .
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