Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 Though her outstanding achievement is undoubtedly the composition of the first original poetry by a woman to be published in the seventeenth century , a volume of religious verse entitled Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum ( 1611 ) , she has become notorious as a result of attempts made to identify her as the ‘ dark lady ’ of Shakespeare 's Sonnets ( 1609 ) , on the conjectural grounds of her racial colouring , musical ability , and promiscuity .
2 Foreigners tend to see him as a ‘ whingeing pom , brit etc. ’ and do not like the program .
3 Heaven knows why , but numerous other GTi drivers seem to see us as some kind of personal challenge .
4 Once women have reached senior management , for instance , where they are the only woman among 20 or 50 men , some companies tend to see them as the token woman singlehandedly proving that the company is encouraging and supporting women to reach the top .
5 Avoiding throngs of killers did strike me as a higher priority even than full filling my Mala-fantasies .
6 It was not until the oriental had addressed the armed newcomer with the blackened face , that the two youngsters had recognised him as the private detective Brett Grant .
7 On the few occasions that he had gone down to The priory with the lad , his parents had treated him as one of the family .
8 His parents had known it as Andrássy after the Count who had been prime minister when that part of Pest was laid out .
9 They were all thin people — there 'd almost have been room for a fourth person in the double his parents had bought him as a wedding present , so getting three people in it was certainly not an impossibility .
10 ‘ Right from the beginning my fellow directors have regarded me as part of the team and have been tremendously supportive . ’
11 Ministers have for many years seemed to regard them as a somewhat unnecessary alternative to the roads .
12 Updata is aimed primarily at users in the financial world ranging from business executives and private investors at home , to large trading organisations wishing to use it as a back up system .
13 On the contrary , the light rail systems found in experimental services throughout much of this century , but maturing only recently with the use of modern technology , could have a very bright future if Governments come to regard them as a necessary investment to meet an increasing transport need .
14 The debate over the classification of the duck-billed platypus — which lays eggs but also gives milk — arose out of this issue , with the serialists trying to use it as a link between the reptiles and the mammals .
15 Many of Voight 's films have cast him as a none-too-bright but likeable hunk .
16 A YOUNG Tyrone man has claimed British intelligence officers tried to recruit him as an informer while he was on holiday in Spain .
17 We taxied towards the buildings and a little party of figures came to meet us as if they were welcoming a foreign diplomat .
18 This has meant that dead animals are left by the roadside for the council to collect , and the local slaughterhouses have been receiving sick animals as some farmers try to use it as a replacement for the knacker 's yard .
19 Although it is true that investment business can hold many pitfalls for the unwary , I find it surprising that so many firms fail to grasp it as a significant business opportunity .
20 Keeping some form of consistent documented proof of bullying is essential , says Adams , because many firms fail to recognise it as a problem and suspect the victim may be acting out of malice .
21 Fashion editors had used it as an exotic background to collections of fabulous clothes .
22 It was not until Evelyn Underhill ( 1875–1941 ) and Dean Inge ( 1860–1954 ) began to consider mysticism seriously that Anglicans started to see it as a spirituality that was authentically Christian .
23 Advocates of a return to gold still remain , and at times there have been proposals to consider reinstating it as the key reserve asset in the international monetary system .
24 Obviously they could n't be ridden on a mountain , but magazine articles and newspaper features began treating them as a status symbol , and so every airhead on a salary of over £20,000 a year rushed out to buy one and take it up a mountain .
25 These will be available for members wishing to use them as part of their revision programme for the September examinations .
26 ‘ We do n't buy many sweets but the girls do enjoy them as an occasional treat — and I sometimes use them as a bribe !
27 James Cossins , who had worked with Crawford on stage in The Anniversary and in the film How I Won the War , remembered his guest appearance in Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em as a pompous man running a public relations weekend course that Frank attended .
28 Warner 's only chance with Black Fury would have been if the serious critics had hailed it as a masterpiece and as a great breakthrough , but on this occasion the critics were all too aware of the stresses and strains that had been created by the processing of an authentic theme into a melodramatic format .
29 Nothing of the personality of the Spirit as embodied in Jesus will be lost when the disciples come to experience him as Paraclete .
30 After spending a few months gauging public reaction , West Mercia Police intend to use him as a kerbside deterrent against speeding .
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