Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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2 On appeal by the defendants , the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal and discharged the injunction , holding that as a matter of domestic law there was no justification for extending to local authorities bringing proceedings under section 222 of the Act of 1972 to enforce the criminal law the privilege enjoyed by the Crown alone of being granted an interlocutory injunction without giving a cross-undertaking as to damages ; and that since it had not been established that the defendants had no defence under article 30 of the E.E.C .
3 This study is concerned with the way Pakeha ( white ) New Zealanders make sense of race and race related issues , such as the violent protests against the Springbok tour , Polynesian and British immigration , and the position of New Zealand Maoris .
4 The best illustrations of this are in societies where the authorities bring defaulters to heel directly by the power of their curse .
5 It was more closely mapped in the new Regulations for Further Education in 1946 , with Local Education Authorities given responsibility for initiatives in conjunction with the universities and voluntary bodies .
6 Its powerful jaws equipped with razor-sharp teeth tear chunks of flesh off other fish , and shoals of piranha are reputedly able to strip even large animals , such as cattle or people , to the bone within minutes .
7 The sediments are well-preserved , enabling researchers to compare levels of water pollution with particular phases of the growth and decline of the City of London since Roman times , and in particular with pollution levels in the past 300 years .
8 At the same time , however , anyone attending the play after it opened at London 's Court Theatre in 1906 could hardly fail to learn a fair amount about the young discipline of bacteriology and about attempts to treat illnesses by immunotherapy .
9 In 1889 , the counties were given additional responsibilities and subsequently the four largest cities became counties of cities — the equivalent of the English county boroughs .
10 Farmworkers led animals to safety as firemen tackled the blaze in a garage and storeroom at East House Farm , Kelloe , near Durham at about 4am .
11 In order to give some structure to the discussion , each of the major social services will be examined under three headings : access , i.e. geographical distribution of social services ; use , i.e. the extent to which different groups make use of services ; and outcome , i.e. the benefit derived from the use of services .
12 Dredging data for ‘ significant ’ p values fits targets to holes .
13 Radar and some ovens make use of microwaves , which are only a few centimetres or millimetres long .
14 Indeed the Lord Chancellor 's Department figures draw attention to the fact that solicitors make mistakes in court documentation and evinces the hope that improvements can be made in this respect .
15 The pact , signed at the end of a conference in the Finnish resort of Rovaniemi , calls for the creation of co-operative programmes to monitor pollution by oil , radiation , heavy metals , organic contaminants , acidification and noise .
16 There have already been more than 50 attempts to extort money from America with nuclear threats , some frighteningly credible .
17 Two sofas placed back to back in the centre of a space can often define the divisions of space very well .
18 The politically active were divided among themselves — most lesbians were then working in women-only organizations : some groups continued to campaign for law reforms ; some groups sought alliances as part of the process of bringing about revolutionary change .
19 Learning from their heavy losses , the Soviets abandoned offensives using convoys of tanks , which had been easy targets , and adopted more flexible methods , relying particularly on helicopter raids .
20 Even tariffs may have helped by making it better business to own factories inside a market than to try to break into it from outside : the Germans and Swiss supplied the French textile industry in 1900 from eight factories inside France , Germans made chemicals in Russia , and other Germans invested heavily in the coal mines of French Lorraine .
21 Today 's test case follows attempts to evict travellers from land at Hollow Fosse near Cirencester .
22 Moreover , ever since the failure of attempts to include restrictions on retaliation or reprisals in the Brussels Code of 1874 , there has been no explicit prohibition of reprisals in the codes of the laws of war .
23 The most-quoted passage described the affluent American family taking a weekend outing in its mauve and cerise , air-conditioned , power-steered automobile passing through cities made tawdry by litter , blighted buildings and broken pavements , into the bill-boarded countryside where they picnic on packaged food by a polluted stream and camp out on a filthy parking lot .
24 It took ScottishPower 35 minutes to restore supplies in part .
25 Eventually the issue was resolved — although the constitutional position remained unclear — when , on Jan. 12 , both houses produced majorities in favour of the use of force .
26 The field of telecommunications had become politically sensitive since restrictions on simultaneous newspaper and television channel ownership by media groups became law in August 1990 [ see pp. 37510 ; 37624 ] .
27 Even relatively small preferences made year by year by the same committee add up over a decade to a major strategic shift in budget priorities .
28 Adelaida points out the different groups : the ‘ grandmothers ’ , who sit in the sun spinning and chatting ; the ‘ complete illiterates ’ , mostly older Aymara women who are making their first letters with painstaking care ; the ’ functional illiterates ’ who have had some schooling and progress more rapidly ; and the groups which practise their recently acquired literacy skills using materials on health and nutrition .
29 This concern was based on evidence that procedures available through the courts to enforce compliance with provisions of Part I of the Trade Union Act 1984 were not being used .
30 Remand and convicted prisoners lived side by side .
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