Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ella silenced her arguments in one fell swoop by producing the money she had been saving from her grant all the months Eva had been at university .
2 Through Better Books Miles had been in contact with Sanders .
3 Hnatiuk says his savings account has been in good shape for a boy this past two years .
4 It is fascinating to study the way that they bent the truth to promote a saleable product , yet even if the Trades Descriptions Act had been in force then , they would hardly ever have broken the law .
5 For the District the contribution from Watts was of considerable and immediate significance as Bedfordshire was the only county in the region in which the template for the proposed rural areas scheme had been at least partially developed .
6 For ten years Law had been at the heart of the party 's reactions to political events , largely because his own views mirrored those of his followers almost exactly .
7 Less than 5 per cent of the Ansett and Australian Airlines fleets have been in the air , using management pilots in a skeleton service supplemented by Royal Australian Air Force planes and overseas airlines .
8 Over the years Muir has been through thick and thin with Tranmere , and has been worth his weight in gold .
9 But that same summer thermo-nuclear war was the subject of a remarkable series of lectures being given at the Princeton Institute of Advanced Study by the futurologist , Herman Kahn , which showed how far human values had been changed during the years Fuchs had been in prison .
10 The accruals method has been in development for over three years , and was triggered by the takeover of Pearl by AMP on a price/ earnings ratio of 9.6 times earnings calculated under an embedded value method .
11 Nor can there be any claim that the laws-of-war approach has been at all decisive anywhere in illuminating the issue of the legality or otherwise of possession of such weapons .
12 The home affairs ministry had been against American requests to relax the law that protects small shopkeepers by making it hard for supermarkets and department stores ( big importers all ) to open branches in their neighbourhoods .
13 Certain members of the Olympic Vibes team have been in serious disarray after one glimpse of this , and the guilty lightweights have been duly suspended from club duty .
14 It has opened a preliminary EOS Europe office and its EOS Korea has been in full operation for six months .
15 It has a preliminary EOS Europe office and EOS Korea has been in full operation for six months .
16 In both capacities Wall had been in charge of monitoring the thrift industry since July 1987 .
17 I think we would be wise to reflect a little longer and to think that perhaps the Government is not so far wrong in what it is saying and I have to say finally My Lords that I never in my public life , or indeed in my private life have met anybody who has said to me that their attitude towards their local police force has been in any way influenced by the fact that the members of the police authority were or were n't democratically elected .
18 More importantly , historically the key feature of police work has been about maintaining a particular form of social order on the street .
19 Two of the police surgeons had been on holiday and the third , Doctor Maingay , who did a locum for her father 's old practice when needed , had not been available until Sunday morning .
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