Example sentences of "[adj] way [prep] which [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Later , when they lay quiet and apart once more , Maria thought about his attitude , adding it to the oddly driven way in which he had just made love to her .
2 Though Booth 's study did produce categories of poverty which showed that many people who were in employment were still below the poverty line , and Rowntree 's work was memorable , not only for the detailed way in which he examined the financial needs of households , but also for his concepts of ‘ primary ’ and ‘ secondary ’ poverty and the ‘ poverty cycle ’ .
3 Montag is astonished by the off-hand way in which they seem to regard the case .
4 Another example of the love theme is the humorous courting by Wemmick directed towards Miss Shiffins and the funny way in which they ( Pip and Wemmick ) arrive for his marriage with Wemmick ‘ accidentally ’ discovering a church and then a pair of gloves , followed by Miss Shiffins and finally a wedding ring .
5 At Mount Stewart in County Down Lady Londonderry let rip with an amazing ensemble of whimsical statues but they avoid seeming a jumble by the purposeful way in which they are related to the whole garden design .
6 And they stood in a corner and drank them , and exchanged their names , at last : she much admired the clear way with which he presented his own .
7 This is one clear way in which we can recognise the clear distinction between the form of human personality and the form of divine personality .
8 Yet his Concertino of 1920 is a work of historic importance for the clear way in which it marks the connection between his early Russian style and the kind of neoclassicism that occupied him thereafter .
9 Yes , but unlike Eliot and Empson , Pound — by the abrupt , brusque and aphoristic way in which he delivers his critical judgements — insists that we understand them as immediately spun off from the imaginative work , thrown over his shoulder , as it were , as he hurries from one part of the workshop to another .
10 As for my right hon. Friend 's personal position , may I express my admiration for the frank and manly way in which he has offered his resignation ?
11 Though explicitly Christian , ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ forms between the earlier and later work a bridge over which the reader ( with access to the gospel word ) may cross into the release of Christianity , the new birth ; but , denied that access , the speaker of the poem can only seek relief in death to escape from having to return to the old way in which he is ‘ no longer at ease ’ .
12 Will my right hon. Friend contrast the judicious , prudent and honourable way in which he and his right hon. Friends are negotiating in the European talks with the cynical sell-out proposed by the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) ?
13 ‘ All the above indicates the serious way in which my department is fully committed to tackling the needs of children with special needs , including those with dyslexia , ’ he said .
14 The ease with which this theft was carried out and the incompetent way in which it was investigated makes one wonder if America is not secretly pleased that Israel has become a nuclear power in the Middle East so that it can act as tripwire in any conflict .
15 On television , at the 1990 Booker Prize ceremony , Maggie gained the admiration of her audience by the skilful and scholarly way in which she parried Germaine Greer 's more vitriolic attacks .
16 So much of the music produced for keyboard and other polyphonic instruments throughout the 16th century was based on works originally written for the voice , and Marshall adeptly shows the colourful way in which they transfer to the Piffaro organ .
17 He tends not to formulate and face the difficulties that he encounters sufficiently rigorously , and erm to on the whole get away with difficulties by the skilful way in which he writes about them and by his wit .
18 Hall ( 1988 ) , in particular , has argued that the power of that brand of New-Right Conservatism known as Thatcherism consists largely of the skilful way in which it has disconnected a number of themes — self-help , anti-statism , public order , anti-trade unionism , nationalism , share ownership — from the basically bourgeois discourse in which they have been traditionally lodged .
19 She gasped at the easy way in which he took advantage of her lack of physical strength to fight him .
20 And to a very large degree , that has been erm , achieved , and I think that erm , the prospects for the county council for ninety-four five are now much better than they appeared to be a year ago , and er , I think the prospects for ninety-five six will need to be looked at through the budget review sub-committee and this committee at an early stage , and I 'm sure that the workman-like way in which it 's addressed it 's business is a good sign for the future .
21 Within the assembly council I personally valued your contributions the very courteous and thoughtful way in which you presented these and the courage with which you expressed at times the stand that you had to take for the interest of the Board .
22 In writing with this frankly propagandist aim — to focus on Jesus Christ — the disciple was bring faithful to the remarkable way in which his Master summed up the purpose of all Scripture .
23 Mr Major said : ‘ I am grateful for the opportunity to congratulate Liverpool on the remarkable way in which it arranged and organised the celebrations concerning the Battle of the Atlantic .
24 Is there an objective way in which we can judge which is the truly best strategy , in a more general and less arbitrary sense ?
25 We have just taken a quick overall look at the situation , one that I hope will enable the reader to form a clear picture of the scope of the French nuclear programme and the unique way in which we implemented it .
26 It is impossible to forget these mothers and the matter-of-fact way in which they relate their experiences , an indication that they know their suffering is by no means unique .
27 The exact way in which they had failed to comply with the regulations is unclear ; a representative of the Education Authority told me that the school has re-opened on a ‘ technicality ’ , because the School Council had not been consulted before the closure ; people in Village told me that the Education Authority had not consulted anyone in the community before-hand , a bigger breach of the regulations .
28 Despite the chaotic and inconsistent way in which they were applied to Poland , they had , on balance , an ultimately positive effect .
29 ‘ Precatory ’ had become central ; but not in the useful way in which it became defined in English law , to denote words where the testator 's intention was a matter for dispute .
30 She disliked the casual way in which he made decisions profoundly affecting other people 's lives — choosing whose tale of woe should be front page news , and whose story deserved nothing more than the wastepaper bin .
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