Example sentences of "[adj] out [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another new phenomenon was the downturn in dealers offering works fresh out of the salerooms .
2 Today , it is equally acceptable in most settings to dress like Heidi — or a lady weightlifter , a tart , a 50s magistrate , a navvy , a two-year-old fresh out of the sandpit in vivid flowered dungarees , or an exotic refugee from Kubla Khan 's pleasure dome .
3 ‘ If that report is anywhere near accurate , they could knock anything we have at present clear out of the sky .
4 We cruised in company with pilot whales off the Butt of Lewis , ranged alongside the huge basking shark to compare its thirty foot length with our own and , on one occasion , witnessed an unidentified whale breach practically clear out of the sea like some mammoth salmon .
5 So a violent kind of self-accelerating process would take place , with the magma rapidly blowing itself up into a froth of gas and liquid rock and blasting itself clear out of the vent .
6 The force of its leap dragged Trent breast high out of the water .
7 The columns of MLs led by the destroyer riding high out of the water were suddenly caught in the harsh glare of the west bank searchlight .
8 He paddled across awkwardly , his head tilted high out of the water , and made for the figwort .
9 They amazed us by leaping high out of the water and somersaulting two or three times before nosing beneath it again without missing a beat .
10 We watched the small boat carry him out to the middle of the river , where the great black prison-ship stood high out of the water , held by its rusty chains .
11 The back of the ship was high out of the water , and I was very thankful for this because all the ship 's food was there .
12 It 'll float high out of the baby 's reach .
13 Erm on the financial side , I do n't think savings of a hundred thousand pound or the pay an non-executive out of a budget of two and hundred eighty million for the total of the three health authority is actually a heck of a big saving to justify what 's happening !
14 He smiled as he watched Sammy cycle a little unsteady out of the yard .
15 The locks will secure the tail control and ailerons , the screen sealant will keep damp out of the cockpit .
16 I have seen ACE schemes that are doing very good work but are more or less driven out of the place they are in because people did n't like their faces , or for other reasons .
17 To that end , will my right hon. Friend tell the Irish Government that their constitutional claim to Northern Ireland gives a spurious justification to the IRA 's expressed determination to drive the British out of the island of Ireland ?
18 As has been widely predicted , he included a £200 million package of job measures designed to take 100,000 long-term unemployed out of the dole queues though community action projects , vocational coursees and business start-up schemes .
19 The angst created by the rapidly decreasing ammo level is great , as is the fun derived from blasting seven shades of brown out of the minions .
20 ‘ White into the ice-box , brown out of the oven , five thousand white flowers — they stank . ’
21 It is true there are forms of the palmette which look a little like acanthus but I would not say that they are necessarily earlier and that the acanthus developed out of the palmette .
22 Thus , a subsequent bonus issue payable out of the share premium account which arises on conversion of the preference shares ( from the premium element ) is taxed as a distribution .
23 Fancourt , the court denied validity to a promissory note made payable out of the maker 's money to which he would become entitled from his reversion .
24 Compensation for the loss of goodwill payments may be offered inter alia by : ( 1 ) consultancy arrangements , which guarantee the outgoing partner an income in return for a reduced work load , but do not survive his death and therefore can not benefit his dependants ; ( 2 ) annuities for himself and his family payable out of the firm 's profits , which are fiscally unattractive and can place undue strain on the firm 's finances ; and ( 3 ) guaranteeing the partner nearing retirement a generous level of income overriding , in a bad year , his strict entitlement under the agreed profit sharing ratios ; but the reluctance of younger partners to accept such arrangement may easily be imagined .
25 ( i ) Should there be a cap on the maximum amount payable out of the compensation fund in respect of an individual claim b a lending institution ?
26 ( i ) Should there be a cap on the maximum amount payable out of the compensation fund in respect of an individual claim by any claimant ( including private clients ) ?
27 It is a principle of insolvency law that the expenses of a company 's liquidation are payable out of the assets of the company in priority to all other claims .
28 These expenses are payable out of the estate in the order of priority prescribed in r 6.224 .
29 The official receiver or trustee can agree costs though if there is a creditors ' committee , they can require the trustee to ask for any costs payable out of the estate to be taxed .
30 There is no requirement for costs payable out of the bankrupt 's estate , be they the costs of the petitioning creditor or the costs of the solicitors acting for the trustee , to be taxed ( r 7.34 ) .
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