Example sentences of "[adj] only [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Women 's employment is thus commonly regarded as profitable only to a couple with a working husband .
2 Bracken scratched her tender skin , but she was barely aware of it , her every nerve ending alive only to the man touching her with such consummate skill .
3 This is much easier to follow than text which is long-winded and frequently ambiguous or file designs or programming flowcharts which are understandable only to the computer professional .
4 In fact the picture is complete only in the sense that it contains the details which are relevant to his activity in that room , it certainly does not contain all the detail which is available to the senses .
5 The night was so dark that the end of the trench was perceptible only as a lightening of the murk , where the ditch of the town lay ahead .
6 The transsexual is one who utterly and completely rejects his biological sex , seeing personal fulfilment and even survival as possible only through the assumption in as complete a way as possible of the sex to which he feels he really belongs .
7 There had been enormous economic advances , which had been possible only on a basis of mutual assistance .
8 Acceptance of these presuppositions would seem to be possible only on the basis of faith , and this point is made by Gandhi when he says
9 Such research has become possible only with the advent of tunable lasers , which can emit light over a range of wavelengths .
10 Walpole , who had kept his hands almost clean , began the task of rebuilding , a task that was possible only with the cooperation of the Bank of England and the East India Company in taking up some of the over-issued stock .
11 In other words communism under freedom is possible only to the extent that people are motivated by non-economic rewards .
12 The burst of social legislation prior to 1914 was possible only within a context in which the most obvious social evils of the day , such as the poverty caused by old age , sickness and unemployment , had been identified and shown to be amenable to State action .
13 " Life is possible only within a movement which calls the world into question " , he was to note later in Le Cheval de Troie .
14 Even a decentralised arrangement , it says , would fail to provide the kind of accountable local government that would be possible only by the provision of smaller unitary authorities .
15 Made possible only by the miracle of airborne travel .
16 But our judge might be able to guarantee this by making plain that he intends the new rule to govern all future cases , and that the exception for Elmer was made possible only by the fact that no judge had laid down a similar rule before Elmer committed his crime .
17 ‘ People in government should feel the way social processes are moving early , ’ he says , ‘ and that is possible only in a metropolis .
18 In an ideal hierarchy , technical and substantive levels would be congruent ; however , in cases of conflict between the two ( which is , of course , possible only in the case of a branching hierarchy ) , primacy should be given to substantive levels .
19 It is the concerted teaching of the whole New Testament that the Christian experience of the Holy Spirit is possible only after the death and resurrection of Jesus .
20 The period is 27 years , and the eclipse lasts for a long time ; the last began on 22 July 1982 and did not end until 25 June 1984 , though it was total only for a year ( January 1983 to January 1984 ) .
21 Following trade representations , Customs have now decided that there is little practical difference between the schemes and will accept that output tax is due only on the payment from the employee and any third party .
22 If it is due only on the trustee 's death , a bonorum emptor is allowed to take possession and enjoy the profits of the trust property during the lifetime of the trustee ( and debtor ) .
23 ‘ I can be free only to the extent that others are forbidden to profit from their physical , economic , or other superiority to the detriment of my liberty . ’
24 It was for this reason that in Du Contrat Social he mocked the English by contending that the English people " is free only during the election of Members of Parliament ; as soon as the Members are elected , the people is enslaved ; it is nothing . "
25 The people of England sees itself as free but is grossly mistaken , it is free only during the election of members of parliament .
26 ‘ . But if rule-following is a practice , which must be public only in the sense of being a way of behaving rather than in the sense of being regulated by a community , how are we to derive from that thought the conclusion that the solipsist 's private language is impossible ?
27 Membership is therefore free , and dependent only upon the requirement of regular registration .
28 What culture tries to make out of them seems attainable only at the cost of a sensible loss of pleasure ; the persistence of the impulses that are not enrolled in adult sexual activity makes itself felt in an absence of satisfaction .
29 Rejecting defence arguments that Noriega was a prisoner of war — he had been captured as a result of the December 1989 US invasion of Panama [ see pp. 37112-13 ] — US District Judge William M. Hoeveler stated that the sentence was reflective only of the evidence presented during the trial and not of the wider aspects of the case .
30 Soviet leaders were interested only in a kind of ‘ non-alignment ’ for Afghanistan comparable with that of the radical pro-Soviet members of the Non-Aligned Movement ; they did not hanker for Afghan neutralism of the pre-1973 variant .
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