Example sentences of "[adj] about [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing foolish about it at all
2 There 's nothing linear about it at all ; it 's just about the vibe of the place , the people , the way they live , the way they feel .
3 Well like you say you feel nervous about it at first but once you do it , you 've got .
4 ‘ He was always nice — there was nothing untoward about him in any way , ’ says David Sim .
5 But there was nothing human about it at all now .
6 Mind you , erm , I have n't been conscious about him at all , even when he was on the first of all .
7 There was nothing very remarkable about him in this respect .
8 I 'm just not happy about it at all , the match should never have been sanctioned , and like I said , it does boxing 's reputation no good whatsoever .
9 ‘ She was very philosophical and happy about it in that way .
10 Mr McEd was acting pretty cagey about it for one thing and , when pressed , would only come up with the reassuring phrases : ‘ Every cloud has a silver lining Ed … ’ or ‘ Do n't worry son , you father 's not such an old fool as he looks …
11 Everyone is affected by the policies chosen to avert that threat , and nearly everyone is anxious and concerned about it to some degree .
12 Men would be crazy about her at first , echoing her belief in the romantic ideal .
13 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
14 She said if you 're worried about him at all he must n't strain .
15 In a more recent conversation with his mother she was still worried about him despite good reports from the school and the fact that ‘ he now speaks both languages all right ’ .
16 The second type of individual headhunter was the practical , down-to-earth type with more management experience at different levels than the blue-bloods , who identified the existence of a demand for skills in senior recruiting but who was not pretentious or elitist about it in any way .
17 I was nice about it at first and said that business and pleasure do n't mix ; and that I do n't go out with married men and so on . ’
18 You 're too determined — too single-minded about it for that .
19 However , with social feeling about child sexuality running high as it does at present , we may be well advised to keep quiet about it in public ; while , if we ourselves feel guilt as to our own emotions in any such case , a knowledgeable and understanding senior or colleague may be able to help us — otherwise we would be well-advised to hand the case on to someone else .
20 There was nothing horrible about it at all .
21 His Jewish mother pretending there was nothing special about it at all , and pouring chicken soup with barley down his throat .
22 ‘ There 's nothing naughty about it at all .
23 There 's nowt attractive about it at this time of year , ’ he remonstrated .
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