Example sentences of "[adj] for [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such procedures are right for generating the phenomenon in Wagner 's associative form — a series of widely spaced exposure trials will promote the formation of a context-stimulus association ; and the after-effects of presentation of the target stimulus could not be expected to survive a 24-h retention interval .
2 The CLAWS tagset used for tagging the LOB corpus is very similar to that of TAGGIT but is somewhat larger with 134 tags to achieve greater delicacy of analysis while preserving compatibility with the Brown corpus ( Johansson et al , 1986 ) .
3 The police say they 're considering charges against the 3 youths , but add that the youths now realise how foolish they were to fire the replica in the street and are deeply sorry for frightening the family .
4 If your car seems totally unsuitable for transporting the patient , you may have to exchange it for a different model .
5 In that way , I think they 'd be much more prepared for learning the skill than if they go completely unprepared and see children looking at books and saying things and it makes no sense to them .
6 In that way , I think they 'd be much more prepared for learning the skill than if they go completely unprepared and see children looking at books and saying things and it makes no sense to them .
7 No high for finishing the marathon if you do n't run through the nerves at the start , the blisters , the soft grey stage of the race where the roadscape does n't change , where it feels as though you have done it all and yet there are still a few miles to go .
8 It is not adequate for describing the task 's operators , nor does it suffice for description of the whole search space .
9 In the 5th edition we find the following footnote to 270 : ‘ In order to maintain a fixed and measured standard for developing the power of liquid medicines , multiplied experience and careful observation have led me to adopt two succussions for each phial , in preference to the greater number formerly employed ( by which the medicines were too highly potentized ) .
10 Oh that 's clever for getting the polish off !
11 Such an interchange is identified as crucial for maintaining the cooperation that appears absent in adversarial Western systems .
12 which can yield 2 tonnes/hectare year of dry wood even on unfertilised , very dry soil , was considered to be crucial for upgrading the environment as a whole .
13 Eventually it became apparent to several members of both the main board and the heads of businesses that the technically controlled , decentralized divisions , which were primarily local in nature , were not appropriate for addressing the market of the future .
14 However , a historical focus is appropriate for understanding the meaning of attitudes , for the rhetorical context of attitudes is also a historical context .
15 First , a person who seriously asserts the validity of some given rule of law , say a particular statute , himself makes use of a rule of recognition which he accepts as appropriate for identifying the law .
16 The dusty furniture of other forgotten rooms was perfect for making the catapult .
17 ( 3 ) … the court shall , on such an application , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the company had not entered into that transaction . ’
18 ( 3 ) … the court shall , on such an application , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the company had not given that preference . ’
19 ( 2 ) The court shall , on such an application , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if that individual had not entered into that transaction . ’
20 The court has power to make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position to what it would have been if the transaction had not been entered into and also , in this case , for protecting the interests of persons who are the victims of the transaction : subsection ( 2 ) .
21 Section 423(2) provides that the court ‘ may ’ make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position and protecting victims of transactions intended to defraud creditors .
22 Sections 238 , 239 , 339 and 340 provide that the court ‘ shall , ’ on an application under those sections , make such order as it thinks fit for restoring the position .
23 SunSoft Inc 's Solaris 2.0-on-Intel has also slipped three months : originally due in September , SunSoft is now saying it 'll get to its OEM customers by the end of the year blaming the delays in acquiring Interactive for botching the schedule .
24 Whatever the merits of this approach for studying the members of exotic ideological groups , it would seem inappropriate for analysing the ordinariness of the Young Conservatives .
25 * Use the present tense for describing the content of a text or narrating the story .
26 1 telescope ( either for looking at wonderful views from Chinese Bedroom or more likely for reading the label on object ten feet beyond the red cordon — seldom as rewarding as it should be , as it usually says ; Portrait of Unknown Lady by Anonymous Artist or Occasional Table in the style of Sheraton )
27 Apologists for science also argued that doing science was valuable for building the character : accurate observing and truthful reporting were required of the scientist ; and so was open-mindedness and humility in abandoning preconceptions .
28 Fresh flowers are fine for scenting the air but their life is finite , and to preserve their perfume , it was found that a mixture of flower petals , collected when they were at exactly the right stage in their development , then carefully dried or part-dried , and mixed with an ingredient which " fixed " the perfume , such as orris root ( Iris gennanica florentina ) would continue to give off fragrance for months and even years .
29 Drivers risk a £50 fine for breaking the law .
30 Another pussy-whipped judge has given some broad a ten-bob fine for murdering the milkman — premenstrual tension , PMT .
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