Example sentences of "[adj] for [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He 's due for a trim but it 's a bit cold really .
2 By making it possible for a vivid and urgent desire for power to exist alongside a consciousness of being the legitimate and predestined possessor of it , they kept the edge on the governing classes .
3 However , it was always possible for the rich and the powerful to isolate themselves from the consequences of industrial growth by moving away from the factory areas to the more tranquil and less squalid atmosphere of the countryside .
4 However , in the new urban environments it was possible for the young and fit to earn good wages and therefore to be independent of their families .
5 They are a little smaller , club-shaped and covered with a shiny brown fluid which neither hardens nor evaporates , but remains liquid for the three or four weeks it takes the eggs higher up the twig to hatch .
6 I am grateful for the hon. and learned Gentleman 's support in respect of the fourth Trident boat .
7 It forms the basis for contempt on the part of the young and strong for the old and weak , and the increasing fear of human mortality which old age seems to represent so vividly .
8 Hambleton 's development control officer Maurice Cann told the inquiry that the area was unsuitable for the elderly because it was industrial and noisy .
9 Charles 's birth was registered fairly late in the day : a certificate was n't issued until 3 October , by which time Elizabeth was pregnant for the fifth and last time .
10 A bit too frail and woolly for the rough and tumble of ordinary practice .
11 Her interests in the paranormal were unorthodox for a Communist but not unusual among the post-religious élite in Brezhnev-s Europe .
12 Slopes which are visible from a thousand feet looking straight down from above are far too steep for an easy or safe landing .
13 I found that for tie problems such as ‘ 1+1 ’ , ‘ 2+2 ’ , response times were very quick and similar for the more and less able children .
14 Supervision is undertaken mainly by bank staff , and their support is crucial for the smooth and efficient running of the examinations — as is the help of the local centres .
15 Everything seemed set for a happy and relaxed nine months .
16 For some time now , the SARA Executive has been seeking input more generally from the rowing population for the updating of its Development Plan , but what might have been a good idea to achieve this seems set for a less than successful conclusion .
17 The evolutionary stage was now set for the third and final phase of dinosaur existence : the ‘ Age of Low Feeders ’ .
18 This sets out the objective in each area and at each stage and so may be appropriate for a long or complex assignment .
19 The ICAEW recognises that many of the detailed provisions , designed with the individual private investor in mind , may not be appropriate for the experienced or corporate client ( referred to under the regulations as ‘ corporate finance clients ’ ) .
20 Some of these new style funds are very suitable for ordinary savers while others are only appropriate for the sophisticated and professional investor .
21 The same hospital called me in early for a quick and very successful cataract operation ( lens implant ) , seemingly in order to treat as many patients as possible before the go-slow came into effect .
22 It was far too early for the immaculate and highly paid receptionist to be in ; in fact , no one below the level of partner was present .
23 DG said that while it was n't satisfied with its overall results , it was encouraged by the continued success of its AViiON family of Unix computers , which showed significant growth over the year-ago quarter , and it remains cautious for the short-term because of the weak worldwide economy and because it sees no evidence that industry-wide pricing pressures will abate in the near future .
24 Commenting on its reduced second quarter loss ( figures , page seven ) , Data General Corp said that while it was n't satisfied with its overall results , it was encouraged by the continued success of its AViiON family of Unix computers , which showed significant growth over the year-ago quarter , and it remains cautious for the short-term because of the weak worldwide economy and because it sees no evidence that industry-wide pricing pressures will abate in the near future ; the Westboro company is able to shrug off the small but steady and grinding losses because it still had $196.2m in cash and marketable securities at the end of the quarter .
25 But it is not so easy for the new or little known candidates .
26 They have felt misunderstood and scapegoated , quite unprepared for the political and social dilemmas in which they were caught .
27 I was unprepared for the exhausting and at times terrifying reality which lay ahead …
28 ‘ It is hard for an unqualified and unapprenticed female to find any work in London , except in the East End where , I am reliably informed , there is casual labour aplenty , and unskilled work , too . ’
29 Beware of swing sequences that show the late hit of the hands , as illustrated in Diagram A. This position at halfway in the downswing may be ideal for the skilled or powerful player , because the hands and lower arms will still release early enough to return the clubface squarely to the back of the ball .
30 I know that the number of black athletes running for London Irish causes some amusement but the club is absolutely ideal for the young or up-and-coming athlete , and the people who run it deserve a lot of credit .
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