Example sentences of "[adj] to [noun sg] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may well strain belief that eight hours of enjoyment can make primary school children comfortable with chemical ideas that are being chopped out of GCSE syllabuses , yet this much and more can be achieved by challenging a teaching tradition that is almost as unhelpful to chemistry as phlogiston was .
2 The Germans , too , began with tariffs more favourable to farming than industry , and it took the McKinley tariff in the U.S.A. and the enormous Russian protective duties to convert the German rulers to protection for their manufacturers .
3 It is impossible to gauge whether Zealot activity originated from a single headquarters , or whether it consisted of a multitude of groups operating independently .
4 In some of his tracts he is outspokenly hostile to philosophy as mother of heresy , strident in his insistence that for a true believer everything is decided by the authority of the apostolic rule of faith and scripture so that further enquiries are superfluous .
5 Not all of it could be joined together prior to delivery as size precluded it from being transported in one piece .
6 So the material spread into all Asian schools and , after modification , into selected African ones ( the New Peak ) ; from towns where supervision was easy and teachers well-trained to country where supervision was infrequent and teachers far less well-grounded .
7 SIX weeks after the Braer disaster , Shetland farmed salmon may be starving to death because compensation has not been paid for losses , writes Auslan Cramb .
8 There is nothing in the long run that is more damaging to investment than inflation .
9 Some workers have found this state of affairs to be as disturbing to development as divorce ; and in research some years ago into family aspects of drug dependence .
10 The extra pound a day for their film work did little to compensate for their tiredness which surely must have been as much due to under-nourishment as overwork .
11 Mildew is destructive to cotton whereas nylon looks stained and smells a bit but the fabric remains intact .
12 Sir Robin Day : an interviewer more susceptible to flattery than battery
13 However , who 's to say that this figure would n't be as open to exaggeration as amp output always used to be ?
14 In the hareem , prayer is as necessary to life as air to breathing , but in Ramadan it reaches to that depth of spirit where the inexplicable lies .
15 He remarks to his son that unhappiness is just as necessary to mankind as happiness — one of those cherished convictions of Dostoevsky that get slipped in when our attention is elsewhere .
16 Secondly , we need outcome measures for assessing new implants that are more sensitive to failure than revision .
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