Example sentences of "[adj] to [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And are n't averse to using fairly unpleasant methods to er to get the money back if you begin to default on payments .
2 I was sympathetic towards the subject and not averse to carrying out some research in that field if the opportunity arose but had no intention of studying it myself .
3 d it is suggested that , prior to setting up any exercise involving ethnic organisations , reference is made to :
4 use as little water on the paper prior to stretching as possible .
5 And , of course , we are arranging to brief Treasury people , who will automatically be opposed to giving away public money ; and we are working with the company on a memorandum on what assistance to Huerter would do to Barton , with a two-page bullet-point summary .
6 Tawell 's counsel , Fitzroy Kelly , had already insulted the jury 's intelligence by suggesting that prussic acid found in Sara 's body was due to eating too many apples .
7 If the swing around on landing is severe , it may be due to using too much pitch , which will aggravate the above problems .
8 Griffin O'Neal will undergo specialist treatment after pleading guilty to shooting up former girlfriend Lynn Oddo 's car in a drunken rage .
9 And if the gentleman having to put bandages on a lady and you want to put your hand underneath there just excuse me a moment , alright , because in the exam one row of you will certainly going to have a lady bandage okay , put slings on and to bandage so it 's just as well not to get to you know used to bandaging up great big chaps and then you 'll find you 've got some little tiny five foot two or five foot nothing lady bandaging in exam , alright , so swap around , so get yourselves so you 've got a partner and use your bandages and let's just see you do the high sling to start .
10 You get used to seeing so many things , you become immune to what would normally be considered perversions .
11 It had taken her months to get used to eating so late and so many times a day .
12 As the author of two volumes of poetry in addition to The Golden Gate ) , he is used to skimming off excess verbiage .
13 She has very clear pale skin and so is used to having quite strong make-up ( ‘ so that I do n't just look a bland mass ’ ) .
14 One source of recruitment has always been the armed services , not only because their staff have already been security vetted , but also because they are used to carrying out dull repetitive chores and filling out the endless paperwork that forms the major part of any intelligence operation .
15 They were clever , narrowed eyes , used to poring over small stitches , a tiny rent , the set of a panel of embroidery .
16 Remember , I 'm used to doing just that — as a foreign correspondent . ’
17 After dark , working by compass , we headed into the desolate Scottish countryside , our rucksacks weighted with filled sandbags to get us used to travelling long arduous miles with heavy loads .
18 They are used to working long hard hours and often in their new independent state — with great delight — employ men for menial tasks only , or for other services , as they hint with a smile .
19 Dot was n't used to talking so much about her father .
20 On death-beds it may be thought that a soon-to-be-deceased settlor is susceptible to giving either involuntary nods or nods to propositions imperfectly understood , or both .
21 The government rejected this as being tantamount to handing over one-third of the country 's municipalities to the guerrillas , and insisted that the armed forces had to be present in every part of the national territory .
22 Certainly the suppression of the rising did not eliminate peasant unrest , although this reverted to being a purely local phenomenon , and in general to taking less violent forms .
23 They might not , however , follow Marx and Engels in their conclusion that the system on which their own society is based will therefore also be overthrown , but it is difficult to seen how such a conclusion can be avoided .
24 Inside , the hall was close to bursting as 10,000 addicts queued 15-deep around games , including the latest craze — Virtual Reality — at the Future Entertainment Show , the biggest to hit Britain .
25 When it vanished , it was equivalent to switching off 100,000 power stations the size of Didcot power station .
26 Cables currently in use transmit half a billion ( 500 million ) pulses per second which is equivalent to carrying about 100,000 simultaneous telephone calls .
27 By 1990 the level had reached 353 ppm , an increase of 38 ppm since 1958 which is equivalent to adding about 80 Gt of carbon to the atmosphere ( figure 6.9 ) .
28 Thus , quite a lot of early mammalian development is devoted to setting aside most of the cells for extra-embryonic structures rather than the embryo itself .
29 A large part of its brain is devoted to doing just that , and gives the owl a " sound map " of the area around it .
30 Even if we accept , as we should , that Thucydides is right about the ‘ truest cause ’ ( and in the passage last quoted he comes near to running together true cause and alleged reasons , so we should not try to separate them too sharply ) , there is still a major problem : what weight should we give to the various instances of encroachment ?
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