Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 In tests with intragastric administration of bFGF , the peptide was dissolved in 1 ml of saline and instilled into the stomach via the cannula of the gastric fistula and the fistula was closed for 30 minutes .
2 You are happy ? " she asked the dogs when they returned , relieved and refreshed , to hop bright-eyed and panting into the car .
3 The fact that there is something quite new and of a different quality means that we will rapidly discard the old and move into the new , just as colour television sets were substituted for black and white , and created a very high growth rate over a period of years .
4 But he managed to break free and run into the street .
5 Some of these phases may dissolve and the coatings will break down by a combination of solution and particle attrition as less soluble particles break free and migrate into the body .
6 A stone rolled free and splashed into the water no more than a yard from Trent 's feet .
7 The house was rosy and set into the hill .
8 The attitude of kindness should become habitual and develop into the ‘ I and Thou ’ relationship of Buber 's existential philosophy ; so that the subject and object can join in a transcendent meeting , defeating the isolation of the usual you and me relationship which contains no warmth and is a mere hailing as of two ships at a distance from one another .
9 First , the ‘ true ’ discourse of male authority is defamiliarized by being removed from the present and preterite forms of the indicative and transposed into the future , the conditional , the imperative , and the subjunctive .
10 His cheeks were sallow and sucked into the hollows between his teeth .
11 He crouched low and peered into the debris under the grate .
12 From a sort of mobile console a thin tube containing a fibre-optic light and a wire-cutter is uncoiled and inserted into the penis .
13 Whisk the egg white until stiff but not dry and fold into the potato mixture .
14 Too fast an approach speed , with very fierce braking to stop and give way may cause a following driver to panic , brake hard and slide into the back of your car .
15 On discovery the following morning , the wives were extremely angry and frustrated and broke into the clubhouse , selected a club each and in groups of twos , threes and fours began to search for the Maharajah .
16 Within ten minutes he was on the move again but came towards me very fast and swam into the weeds that formed the roof over the hole where I had hooked him in the first place .
17 ‘ By the time they became suspicious and went into the warehouse , the defendant had gone . ’
18 Instinctively they had again swung left and plunged into the familiar shelter of the woods .
19 Amaranth had hurried to the Grand and went into the crush bar at ten minutes after six to find Charles Harvey waiting for her .
20 Whisk 2 egg whites until firm and fold into the mixture .
21 These various economic indicators ( past , present and projected into the future ) are used in country risk assessment and thereby aid banks in their loan management .
22 The idea is that the shadow cast under the body is offset by the lighter underparts , so the body appears flat and merges into the background .
23 Only now is this work being rediscovered , reassessed and integrated into the mainstream of ley research which started with Watkins .
24 It can be proved by witnesses stating that they saw the defendant ‘ drive round the roundabout and wander into the side of another car ’ or ‘ brake rather late and run into the car in front ’ or by the defendant stating that ‘ I misjudged the gap or distance ’ or ‘ I did n't see the other car , motorbike , cycle or pedestrian , etc . ’
25 Chimpanzee communication is complex and extends into the formation and use of simple forms of language ( p. 127 ) .
26 According to this rule , all male members of the community were obliged to wait until the age of twenty to marry and sire children ; at the age of thirty , they were to be regarded as mature and initiated into the higher ranks of the sect .
27 In an old cotton gown of striped dimity stood Theda , just outside on the shallow step , so that the bright sun glanced off the uncovered copper hair , which was piled untidily on top of her head , a few strands breaking loose and waving into the bare expanse of pale , glowing flesh above her bosom .
28 A mock battle ensued — at least , she hoped it was mock — then the pair went racing soundlessly off to push the unlatched communicating door ajar and disappear into the next room .
29 ( Figs. 17–19 ) — It is sometimes considered that the pleural sclerites were derived from a primitive subcoxal segment of the leg which became flattened and incorporated into the pleural region of the body-wall .
30 Whisk the whites until stiff and fold into the yolk mixture .
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