Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She was jumpy and had at one point been startled by her own shadow .
2 What had seemed so fresh and enticing at first was now stale , predictable .
3 The resort is only 20 years old and grabs at any chance for a celebrity to add sparkle to its budding image as the Florida of the Nineties .
4 Not to be defeated , the following year Scott started a new paper , the African Times , which was even more strongly anti-Federation and aimed at liberal-minded whites and Africans .
5 The typical appellate judge will be at least 60 years of age , white , male and educated at public school and at Oxford or Cambridge and have lived in the insular world of the Bar for more than 30 years .
6 Deceptively simple and restrained at first , then juicy , almost lychees , with a salty/grassy finish .
7 Clearly differentiated from each other , they were mass-produced and targeted at different sections of a guaranteed market , who knew what they were getting .
8 This was appealing to everyone 's better instincts and most of the giants looked alert and nodded at one another , because , of course , the Gruagach were known the length and breadth of Ireland for their culture and learning .
9 Alive and alert at all times . ’
10 Phasic rectal contraction and anal relaxation were present but exaggerated and induced at lower distending volumes than in normal subjects .
11 The family Ophiolepidinae can be distinguished by : both oral tentacle pores arising within the mouth ; the plating of the disk is usually conspicuous with large plates ; and the shape of the dental plates which is twice as long as broad and rounded at both ends ( Murakami , 1963 ) .
12 His mouth , so hard and demanding at first , was softening , moving slowly over hers .
13 The darker humour associated with ED 209 , which does indeed look quite large and threatening at first ( and not at all like a model only one foot ( 30cm ) high , which it is ) is typified when it , in error , riddles a young executive with machine-gun bullets on its first official presentation and the stunned silence is broken by a cry of ‘ Someone send for a paramedic ! ’
14 First , at the θ = 0° position the motional voltage has a considerable influence on the chopping behaviour , as shown by the differences in the results for the motor stationary and operating at 1 000 steps per second .
15 It is not surprising that many professionals involved in education are rather dispirited and disillusioned at this time .
16 But he just stood still and gazed at some withered autumn flowers .
17 The traditional explanation is that all mothers with colicky babies — regardless of what sort of people they are or what else is happening in their lives — suddenly become more confident and relaxed at this point .
18 The preamble stated , at length , that the poor within the five town parishes ( St. John , St. Mary , St. Peter , St. Paul and St. Cuthbert ) were ‘ very numerous and supported at great and burthensome expense by the inhabitants of those parishes ’ .
19 For all she knew , so far from being lonely and deprived at this moment , he might well be taking his mild pleasures in his usual fashion , with some lady chanced upon by pure luck in the wilds of Anatolia .
20 Is not the Minister ashamed and horrified at those disgraceful and scandalous figures ?
21 He had paid special attention to the hammerers ; they were all decorated with various kinds of facial hair ranging from pencil thin , Ronald Coleman moustaches to curly , Ancient Assyrian style full sets of ringlets , and their diminutive , painted jackets were striped , starred , arrowed and dotted at random .
22 Miss Logan was angry and distressed at such Judas-like behaviour , and expressed herself forcibly on the subject to the Armenian priest , who nodded and offered to say prayers for Miss Fergusson .
23 These used rotating discs to initiate a quasi-musical sound which was then filtered , processed and reproduced at different pitches .
24 This , following the House of Lords decision in Scottish Insurance v. Wilson & Clyde Coal Co was , in effect , done by capital reductions even though the shares were irredeemable and quoted at above par , for the Lords decided in that case and in Prudential Assurance v. Chatterley-Whitfield Collieries in the same year , that the courts had to confirm the reductions since the preference shareholders were being treated in strict accordance with their class rights .
25 He was pale and composed at first , his features rigidly set .
26 ‘ It 's a sort of drug , travelling , ’ Minton wrote to a friend in July 1953 , ‘ which seems to prevent me thinking — I feel vaguely irresponsible and peer at historic monuments .
27 Downpipes should be clean and placed at frequent intervals so as to avoid long gutter runs and changes of direction .
28 ‘ I am very flattered and honoured at this appointment .
29 Clearly , in order to obtain this kind of information it is necessary to conduct three assessments under similar conditions so that they are directly comparable and spaced at equal time intervals .
30 False clarity is only another name for myth ; and myth has always been obscure and enlightening at one and the same time : always using the devices of familiarity and straightforward dismissal to avoid the labour of conceptualization .
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