Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This student had at one time worked in catering until her love for learning foreign languages prompted her to tackle French and Spanish as a mature student .
2 It had stopped snowing now and the sky was clear and black with a few stars .
3 It would incorporate a variety of forms of enterprise , including individual , family and cooperative as well as state productive units , which would be economically self-sufficient and interrelated through a market .
4 ‘ Aye , ’ replied another , slim and small as a child but with a face centuries old .
5 The Wren who introduced herself was slim and smart in a uniform which fitted her perfectly .
6 What you want is to find yourself slim and attractive after a time on an easy , satisfying diet .
7 ‘ Ultra Violet ( Light My Way ) ’ was one of the highlights , ‘ Even Better Than The Real Thing ’ kicked hard , ‘ One ’ was scintillating and ‘ Love Is Blindness ’ hypnotic and powerful against a backdrop of city lights in black and white on the video screens .
8 Now she knew it was true , Alice 's face looked different to her : set , calm and holy as a nun 's .
9 They made love all afternoon , and sometimes she was creamy and calm and slow as a cat being stroked , and sometimes the cat arched her back and revealed claws .
10 Other fathers were often unemployed and jealous of a child bringing home a weekly wage : understandable if they had a daughter like Dolly Ashby :
11 When he sees the film fluttering on the gate , suggesting something light and insubstantial in a physical sense he thinks
12 I felt very much the wallflower as I crept out of the room without speaking to anyone , my books held tightly against my chest in a way which , I was to learn , was feminine and wrong for a man .
13 It is easier when you are feeling fresh and alert after a good night 's sleep than at the end of a busy day , easier for short periods than for long periods .
14 He looked very fresh and smart in a crisp white shirt open at the throat and charcoal-grey trousers , exquisitely cut .
15 they 're really funny and finicky about a lot of things , you know ?
16 This mixing of linguistic and cultural codes is frequently linked to the sexual act : ‘ as if words fraternised silently beneath the syntax , finding each other funny and delicious in a Misch-Masch of tender fornication ’ ( 53/447 ) .
17 Unmistakable , even though I had never seen one before ; a big bird , brown and grey with a red throat , low in the water , where the wind-rippled surface managed to camouflage it in the most extraordinary way .
18 It was a couple of weeks before and I was left high and dry without a partner .
19 ‘ Many of us felt he should have had the courage to admit that the job was n't working out instead of using his reputation as England manager to negotiate a lucrative overseas contract and then leaving everyone high and dry without a second thought .
20 Some of the locks were ready long before the canal which serves them , and were literally high and dry for a time .
21 Cambridge were left high and dry for a time this afternoon as Oxford followed in the footsteps of many a champion boxer and left the opposition waiting at the official weigh-in .
22 Soon after it was built , it was left high and dry by a storm and thereafter was used as a signalling tower by Blandy 's .
23 The blue sea and bright sun belied the occasional grim reminder of the other side of the picture ; the broken , rusting hull of a merchantman or trawler , perched high and dry in a rocky grave .
24 After that I searched high and low for a new teacher , and when I found one I had to start from scratch .
25 His is high and proud to a degree , vet he was originally a drawing master in Manchester , and his wife a player .
26 You do n't want a firm whose work of good , but who may leave you high and not-so-dry for a few weeks .
27 And it can seem quite ghostly and atmospheric on a misty November afternoon , but I 've never seen any ghosts there .
28 Is there any hope that the Veterans News could do a feature on the old and new for a future issue of the Veterans News and wangle an invite for several of the veterans to the opening of the new branch at Lyons farm , perhaps on the day the dignitaries attend .
29 Both these factors ( interference and low associability ) may hinder the formation of the association required during conditioning but this new association , when it is eventually formed , will not totally obliterate those formed during pre-exposure and there will be competition between old and new during a retrieval test .
30 Princes Square mixes old and new in a fashion reminiscent of a film set , while the Italian Centre has elements of real Glasgow buildings jumbled freely with neo-classical replication and a sparse metallic modernism that the critic is lost for words .
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